Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Split every time you want to advance. The first split input will start and the last will stop the timer, with every one in the middle advancing the split you are on. Trying to manually remove loads will be really hard to do accurately, that's for taking a break during the run (not allowed in most communities but more common with really long runs).

Just ignore the load times and time all the way through from start to end - that's what real time is. Time without loads is a separate metric and trying to manually remove loads from RTA timing will almost certainly be rejected or ignored (if the mods retime the run).

If you really want to remove loads, you need an autosplitter. If your game doesn't already have one, you can learn how to make one yourself if you want here. The load-removed time would then have a second metric on the leaderboard, separate from real time

Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

[quote=freckledbanana]I was under the impression--from videos--that I could just set up these "splits" as missions, and just click a hotkey to start and pause the timer, and to skip to the next mission/split.[/quote]

Yes, that can be done easily yourself. Just look up a LiveSplit tutorial and follow the instructions. For real-time, you press the split hotkey at the start of the run and every next split until you get to the end. You can also pause the timer and skip forwards and backwards. In your case, you would press whatever key you set as your split hotkey when you start the game and at the end of every mission with the time stopping when you finish it.

For in-game time, a program called an autosplitter can automatically press pause the game during loads and/or split, and have to be custom made for each game. There's no "one size fits all" autosplitter. Most can be found by typing the game name in the Edit Splits menu, and you should check with the specific game's community for more information about that.

[quote=freckledbanana]When I try to start the timer, it doesn't record any sort of time, but it does using real-time. It just shows "-" under each split.[/quote]

If you're splitting and have already done at least timed one run, make sure the compassion mode is set to Real Time and not Game Time in the Right Click > Compare Against... menu and Current Comparision in the Edit Layout menu (check the tabs for each component, namely Splits).

freckledbanana gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

The easiest way would just be to upload the video to YouTube. Just open the app, tab the big Plus button in the bottom center and Upload a video, then select it from your phone, fill out the details, and upload. You can see it in the You videos section in the Library tab, then grab the link and submit it here once it's done uploading/processing

Gaming_64 gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

[quote=Allisima]So yeah, just thought I’d tell this little story about how I can never come up with original ideas 😛[/quote]

I'm pretty sure there hasn't been a truly original idea in a few decades now. A few months ago I was bored and (completely originally) theory crafted an "ideal" wish from a genie to have save states irl like video games, with the ability to freely travel between them. When I mentioned it to a friend, I was quickly informed that someone else was already writing a book with the same premise.

Ivory, Quivico und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Is it possible? Yes. Is it recommended? Not really.

Most communities will require a video submission for runs. The most common sites are YouTube and Twitch, but you can link to any site you want for your submission, even if it's not a video (but don't expect it to get verified). Some leaderboards, especially in more competitive games, will require only YouTube, but that isn't very common and most games will accept the video on any site. The problem with only using a picture as evidence is that it is hard to tell whether someone cheated during the run or not, so most communities that require any evidence will specifically require video evidence.

If you can't submit a YT or Twitch video, I'd recommend checking with the communities for the specific games to make sure you can submit in a way that works for both you and everyone else.

errorpaint, jackzfiml und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Not sure about your game in particular but many games have functions more intricately tied to FPS that don't allow for any sort of conversion. In a more extreme example, running Gravitas at 10 fps makes the platforms in the first level rise reaaaaly slowly, allowing you to ride them to the top instead of climbing up around the level.

Again, that's a rather extreme example, but the fps change could still unlock some previously impossible strategies and is clearly already speeding up gameplay in general. Imo your best bet would be to either require only 30 fps gameplay or separate the leaderboard based on 30 or 60 fps. A direct 30-60 fps conversion most likely won't be possible.

Migan, Ivory und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Gravitas
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Not sure where it was moved from that link (would have to ask @PrototypeAlpha or one of the mods to update that) but you can also download it directly from LiveSplit by entering "Gravitas" as the game name in the splits editor and clicking the "Activate" button when it comes up.

Thread: Puzzzle
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Dev reply: [quote=StephenWalton (dev)] Oh jeez, I didn't even think about that... I'll think about implementing that! [/quote]


Thread: Gravitas
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

The boards are sorted by the "Time without loads" metric. Since the second-place (35s w/ loads) run doesn't have a w/o loads time listed, it automatically goes to the bottom. The faster run would need to have a time without loads listed to be sorted properly

Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

@nupali It is on the site, they just misspelled it (I assume): https://www.speedrun.com/unheard

Pear gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Just noticed that resizing the window on the game page so that 1) the page is laid out vertically (ie for mobile, game info on top and lb below) and 2) the category tabs overflow to at least two lines, then instead of appearing like folder tabs, they get squared off and stretch to fill the entire length of the runs box. This appearance change does not get reverted back to the original "folder tab" design when scaling the window back up, even to the side-by-side (desktop) layout.

Edit: changed list to be 1) and 2) instead of a) and b) because "b)" gets rendered as b)

dha gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Yes: https://www.speedrun.com/ghostbusters_the_video_game_remastered

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find the pages for any game (or series or user or marathon) that you're interested in.

MrMonsh, SuperAL1, und Pear gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Likewise, "PB" stands for Personal Best, the runner's best run/personal record

cakejerry, Ivory und 5 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Looking at the MC Hardcore clips, it looks like there is a stream setup made with the background, chat, etc., so it's not directly from the game (unless I misunderstood what @EmeraldAly meant by console). Whatever program you made that setup in and are streaming from is a screen capture program and probably also supports direct recording to the hard drive.

Submitting videos from Twitch streams is fine (as the others said, make sure it's a highlight and VODs are saved so you can make the highlight) and you can also download and automatically export to YT your streams and highlights if you prefer (that's useful for VODs if you're only streaming to Twitch but don't want to lose them)

Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

We can't really give you any decent suggestions without knowing what you want. What genres you like, what length you want, how RNG dependent it is, glitched/glitchless, what platforms, etc?

MrMonsh, Burritoguy2127 und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

In general, I like it, but there are a number of specifics that I don't like. The entire Latest Runs section needs to be zoomed in. The news sidebar can get smaller to accommodate the larger Runs section while still maintaining its current design.

I'm fine with the fonts used for both titles and content, but again it needs to get bigger in the Latest Runs section.

I can see the design being applied to the Forums pretty well, but I'm not so sure about the Leaderboards and other tabbed pages.

Merl_ gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

@Garsh It's a spam bot, should be deleted soon

Pear gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesWeirdAlex033 years ago

Either way, there's not much we'd be able to do here in general site-wide forums. If you have a specific problem or question with the game or your run, you should take it to the specific forums of that game.

Ivory, Tristoppy, und Pear gefällt das.
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