How to get the skip in level 1
5 years ago

I can't get the skip for level 1 used in this video (). The rising platform does not stop for a brief time like in this video.

Can anyone help?


Update: i know why that platform in the first level seems that different than when i tested/played. video by Stimich plays in 30fps, so i assume his fps were around that range, he needs roughly 6 seconds of ascending platform to get on that platform. I play in 60fps and after 6 seconds the platform has finished the desired height with 3 of the 5 steps, nowhere near close to get on there.

Is it allowed to play in lower framerate when things like this happen?

Stimich, Tandashi, and SFGrenade like this

Hi Mockingbird!

First of all, thank you very much for making us notice this issue!

We're currectly analyzing this techincal aspect of the game...and we're considering the idea to divide the leaderboard in capped/uncapped FPS or at least...just adding a mark when you're submitting a run.

In anycase: capping, uncapping fps is allowed...for the moment just specify it in the description when submitting your run, we'll do the rest.

Thanks again for this important segnalation, we invite you to join our discord server for getting faster responses:



Stimich likes this

Ok Mockinbird!

We can confirm that we decided to devide the leaderboard!

Now when submitting the run, the user must decide if the games is uncapped (in this case the game automatically set the max fps at 62 FPS) or capped (cap the level at 30 FPS)

In this case, we want to make everybody notice that the FPS value INFLUNCE some game mechanics, and allows you get some skips it's an can use it...but you have to submit it in the right category of the website...

NOTE: if the case in which your PC can't handle the game the default 62 fps we suggest to follow this guide:

We'll provide the sitting file as soon as possible!

Stimich likes this