New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

I've also gone ahead and added any% and All Secrets sub-categories for those interested in running them.

New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

I've gone ahead and removed "episode 1-2" and "episode 1-4" categories because the latter felt redundant, and the first one (1-2) felt odd to leave afterwards.

As of now the categories are: Episode 1-5 (full game, main category) Episode 1 (start game and finish Episode 1) Episode 1-3 (start game and finish episodes 1, 2 and 3)

Episode 1-3 might be removed soon as well, but it's sort of a "midway" point and is probably distinct enough to keep (especially with more runs! wink wink)

Such is how stuff must be done when incompetent devs can't just allow us to do proper episode runs like every god damn "retro fps" ever in the history of forever.

New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

Alright, after some tinkering, I think I've got everything set. It now splits on final cutscene playing after defeating shodan for ease of knowing exact time etc.

Turns out, changing the folder name makes it not call the cutscene at all, so this was an issue. My solution at first was to just keep cutscene folder name the same as it should be, and just delete every file BUT "cs3" and "credits" (cs3 being the last cutscene that plays on defeating shodan and credits being... the credits) Kept "credits" in because I was going to tell everyone to watch the credits on the main menu after every run completion/defeat of shodan to reset the value, otherwise it would instantly split upon entering shodan.mis and mess everything up! This would be annoying and seemed stupid, so I kept on looking.

Finally found a cutscene byte that switched to 0 only when cutscenes were being played. This means you can keep ALL the cutscenes in if you want, you won't lose anytime to watching them during that half second it takes to mash through them! Or you can just remove everything BUT cs3 and not have to worry about anything.

I also removed the reset function because, and maybe I'm just overthinking it, but it was a pain in the ass to get it to reset properly if you reset during the earth portion of the run. I don't run the game (for now) so maybe resets during that segment are nonexistent and never happen cause its ezpz, but I removed it anyway, so now you just have to manually reset if you fail your run. I can easily add it back in if I was indeed overthinking it.

As for now, this works on 1.47 only. I can easily fix it up for other versions if it's necessary. It's also worth noting this works on the assumption you actually have a "recreation" and "command" split, so if you don't have those splits in your setup you probably should add them (they'd be in between hydro and rick if you somehow don't know). Otherwise, you'd have to remove some lines of the ASL file yourself to fit for your setup.


Please let me know if there's any issues :)

Mucus.Middleton gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

Does patch matter much for this game? Like 2.45 vs. 2.47? In terms of speedrunning I mean. I can update the one I posted to accommodate for all versions of SS2 people use to run if you want, though if there's no difference between versions, I'll probably limit it.

New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

If anyone stumbles upon this game, just know that for the time being, pretty much everything is a WIP.

Seeing as how you are unable to do traditional "episode runs" like you could for Doom 1/2, Wolfenstein 3d, DUSK and pretty much EVERY OTHER DAMN FPS GAME the only solution I could come up with is doing categories for the beginning of the game to the end of a certain chapter.

Could just stage select each stage from the episodes 1 by 1 but thats tedious and boring, though could be the only way to achieve true "episode runs". I've tried to talk to the devs on steam and GOG about this so hopefully they'll add it in.

Jayrude gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

Right, if I could get a save seconds before the final bossfight (or even during it at like 5% hp or something wink wink) I could test it out real quick. It should still register as trying to grab "cs3" so it should be easy to add it in.

New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

not sure why glitched is under "misc" anyway, seems rude to the true "any%" category, if you think about it :(.

New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

By the way, I imagine I can easily add in a line to make it split on the final cutscene. From what I read, do you guys change your cutscene filenames so they don't play? Or do they just not play at all? (on the later versions of newdark they easily should)

I already found the string value for cutscenes, and I'd imagine even if the cutscene doesn't play, it still tries to play it and the value will still change to it (this is how it works in thief, anyway).

straightbozo gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

Not sure if anyone even still cares about this game anymore, but I went ahead and updated Ellie's autosplitter for 2.47 as well as added in a load removing function (as far as I can tell, I only tested it with quicksave/loads and hard saves/loads).

If there's any issues lemme know.


Skejven gefällt das.
Thread: The Slater
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

i made one and then deleted it way back when the game came out cause it was just me and Ezhno in it, kotti and munkii didnt seem to care ;p

Thread: The Slater
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

i was messing around using cheat engine, but more recent games hide their thingies better so it'll take a lot of work to do anything ;p

Thread: The Slater
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

I tried sleuthing around for the IGT/Level memory values so I could see if we can use an autosplitter/load remover, but its been a bit on and off on my end on actually looking.

Thread: Thief: Gold
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

Since the beginning of the new year, we've taken strides towards getting a working load remover available for use by all runners as a means to combat load discrepancy a other factors that could add on time in an RTA setting. With some help by members of the community, we now have achieved this goal, and will now have it be recommended for use going forward.

So then, what shall we do with the current runs on the boards that were done with a simple RTA timing method? Well, I've gone through the runs that I thought mattered (the top ones that we're sort of close to eachother), and timed out any frames where the word "loading" appeared on screen from the transition from mission briefing to the shop menu/spawn in.

Just to clarify, I'm timing out any frame that looks like this - https://i.imgur.com/ohs51nj.png

Notice the box that usually says "continue" transitions into "loading" after being clicked, I then resumed the timer once the first frame of the shop menu/spawn into game world appeared on screen. For quick loads, I timed out from first "black screen" frame to last "black screen" frame before spawning back into game world. I must stress, these are the ONLY PORTIONS OF RUNS THAT WERE TIMED OUT MANUALLY, mission briefings, ending stats screens, shops and and accidental pauses were left in.

Obviously, doing this by watching the youtube videos one frame at a time can be a little inaccurate, because some recordings were only 30fps, so sometimes the jumps in time were more massive for those than they were for 60fps recordings, giving them more "load time" to remove. Also, there are very very slight loads from shop menu to game world after hitting "play mission" that I could not reasonably count because of no real transition between the two in terms of changing of frames. My runs had about 15.52 seconds of loads, while @Blacksecret 's run had 20.20 seconds of loads, which evened my run out to a 32:46.760 and his to a 32:45.750. I was a first place holder built on a bed of lies and better hard drives! A BIG PHONY!

Its also worth noting that, at the time of this writing, I don't believe the current load remover times out cutscenes. Some users have an issue (or benefit???) where their cutscenes don't play at all, which could give them an advantage, albeit very minimal, over the course of a run. On the matter at hand, I personally believe they should be counted TO the time, cause the player does have control during them and can end them through their own input, which I believe should be always counted. But with some runners not having them play at all and just instantly going to the Stats Screen, I can see this being an issue for sure. Thoughts on the matter?

It's obvious going forward we ask all runners to use this new Autosplitter/Load Remover if possible, because the times from now on will be sorted by "time w/o loads" in ranking. You do not have to use this function, of course. I will go ahead and add the splitter to the Resources page and try to write up a guide on how to do it soon(ish).

I could also try to time out the Expert runs using the same method I did for the Normal runs, but seeing as they aren't close to each other, I don't think its that important to spend hours on that atm.

Also, for most of the runs on the boards, I just made both time fields the same numbers, since wasting a lot of time timing out their loads would be pointless cause it would have very little effect on the rankings.

New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

Since the beginning of the new year, we've taken strides towards getting a working load remover available for use by all runners as a means to combat load discrepancy a other factors that could add on time in an RTA setting. With some help by members of the community, we now have achieved this goal, and will now have it be recommended for use going forward.

So then, what shall we do with the current runs on the boards that were done with a simple RTA timing method? Well, I've gone through the runs that I thought mattered (the top ones that we're sort of close to eachother), and timed out any frames where the word "loading" appeared on screen from the transition from mission briefing to the shop menu/spawn in.

Just to clarify, I'm timing out any frame that looks like this - https://i.imgur.com/ohs51nj.png

Notice the box that usually says "continue" transitions into "loading" after being clicked, I then resumed the timer once the first frame of the shop menu/spawn into game world appeared on screen. For quick loads, I timed out from first "black screen" frame to last "black screen" frame before spawning back into game world. I must stress, these are the ONLY PORTIONS OF RUNS THAT WERE TIMED OUT MANUALLY, mission briefings, ending stats screens, shops and and accidental pauses were left in.

Obviously, doing this by watching the youtube videos one frame at a time can be a little inaccurate, because some recordings were only 30fps, so sometimes the jumps in time were more massive for those than they were for 60fps recordings, giving them more "load time" to remove. Also, there are very very slight loads from shop menu to game world after hitting "play mission" that I could not reasonably count because of no real transition between the two in terms of changing of frames. Both my runs and Noctorious' runs timed out to be 26:29.800~ or so, but due to possible inaccuracies I've just changed both of them to read as "26:29 w/o loads".

Its also worth noting that, at the time of this writing, I don't believe the current load remover times out cutscenes. Some users have an issue (or benefit???) where their cutscenes don't play at all, which could give them an advantage, albeit very minimal, over the course of a run. On the matter at hand, I personally believe they should be counted TO the time, cause the player does have control during them and can end them through their own input, which I believe should be always counted. But with some runners not having them play at all and just instantly going to the Stats Screen, I can see this being an issue for sure. Thoughts on the matter?

It's obvious going forward we ask all runners to use this new Autosplitter/Load Remover if possible, because the times from now on will be sorted by "time w/o loads" in ranking. You do not have to use this function, of course. I will go ahead and add the splitter to the Resources page and try to write up a guide on how to do it soon(ish).

I could also try to time out the Expert runs using the same method I did for the Normal runs, but seeing as they aren't close to each other, I don't think its that important to spend hours on that atm.

New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

"there is actually fuck all evidence."

Ok, no. To say there is a lack of evidence would be far from the truth.


This alone is enough to cast doubt on the legitimacy of his runs. Who's to say @Xmodule999 is not still using said controller? He tends to take damage jumping up stairs almost every time, which is only possible with intense "spam" of jump, as only I have gotten it once and Amorphous only a couple of times. My money is that a controller or a script is causing this. Pile on the fact that he is /still/ the only person who can copter glide perfectly with every attempt, something only @Jayrude has managed to do on NEWDARK using MOUSEWHEEL binding, and even then still can't get the consistent height gains as xmodule... Well that's a big thinker, now isn't it?

There was also a load of, now deleted or privated, runs on his channel for Thief 2 showcasing him playing on "NewDark" but using the blackjack glitch. Now, I know the glitch has since been "rediscovered", only because this selfish man decided to keep the knowledge of the blackjack glitch to himself in an amazing feat of "only for me", but that doesn't matter. You can have my word his videos never showed him cycling the lockpicks. User @DanPC tried to point out that he just cycles very fast past them, but this is not the case as seen in the following video.

The excuse of differing cycling speeds would be a stretch at best. So then, this would lend credence to the idea that he recorded those runs using the thief 2 Demo Engine with imported map files. He loves the demo engine and thinks its the better way to run the game, as seen in this video.

Again, all of this should be suspicious. Tackle on the facts that he records runs of his that are using clearly inferior route knowledge/movement, uploads OTHER USERS RUNS FOR NO REASON (which is still hilarious, btw), and that he somehow manages to have absolutely awful audio in every video (shout out to the "yeah my escape suddenly had really bad audio but rest of the run was good lol" bit in his TDP full game "run"), and I'd say this is a pretty clear situation.

User and mod @JakePlisskenSDA has more stories of his wild antics (my personal favorite being him switching out the AI to being the thieve's guild mobs cause they have a lower alert radius) and he could clear this up better than I ever could. But I don't think he cares enough, cause he's done with this sillyness. So am I.

pumaleap, SudsMcDuff und 2 Andere gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis5 years ago

Though for you and your submissions, whatever the decision is won't matter anyway until you prove to us your runs are legit.

We have reached out to you to do so and still have yet to receive solid evidence in response. So until then, I'm just gonna use this topic to state publicly our stance for you.

Jayrude und BAKEMONO gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis6 years ago

Big news update taffers! Recently there has been a discussion on what to do with the mission "A Keeper's Training" for fullgame runs on both Normal and Expert. After a lengthy discussion with a majority of community members, the consensus reached was to remove the level from EXPERT only. The reasons brought up that led the discussion to this conclusion were:

  • The level defaults back to Normal difficulty despite selecting "Expert" in the mission briefing anyway.

  • Expert should be a category of doing all the missions on the Expert difficulty. If it defaults back to normal, that doesn't make sense now does it?

  • There is also no fundamental change to the route or any of the objectives as a result of this.

  • The game also lets you skip training without the use of any cheat code or NG+ setup.

To keep in line with the idea of "Expert should be a category of doing all the missions on the Expert difficulty." We've discussed changing the category names to be less confusing and reflect the respective requirements a little better, something to the like of simply "Normal" and "Expert".

"Normal" signifying "Beating all levels on Normal difficulty" (Including training, since it is that level's only difficulty really), and "Expert" signifying "Beating all levels on Expert difficulty" (Excluding training, since it can not truly be played on expert).

Have any objections to this change? Any suggestions for different renames for the categories? Let us know! You can read the whole discussion in the discord.

If there is no substantial opposition to the decision, this will go into effect in the coming days, and any Expert fullgame run with training in it will be retimed to reflect the change.

Thread: Thief: Gold
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis6 years ago

Big news update taffers! Recently there has been a discussion on what to do with the mission "A Keeper's Training" for fullgame runs on both Normal and Expert. After a lengthy discussion with a majority of community members, the consensus reached was to remove the level from EXPERT only. The reasons brought up that led the discussion to this conclusion were:

  • The level defaults back to Normal difficulty despite selecting "Expert" in the mission briefing anyway.

  • Expert should be a category of doing all the missions on the Expert difficulty. If it defaults back to normal, that doesn't make sense now does it?

  • There is also no fundamental change to the route or any of the objectives as a result of this.

  • The game also lets you skip training without the use of any cheat code or NG+ setup.

To keep in line with the idea of "Expert should be a category of doing all the missions on the Expert difficulty." We've discussed changing the category names to be less confusing and reflect the respective requirements a little better, something to the like of simply "Normal" and "Expert".

"Normal" signifying "Beating all levels on Normal difficulty" (Including training, since it is that level's only difficulty really), and "Expert" signifying "Beating all levels on Expert difficulty" (Excluding training, since it can not truly be played on expert).

Have any objections to this change? Any suggestions for different renames for the categories? Let us know! You can read the whole discussion in the discord.

If there is no substantial opposition to the decision, this will go into effect in the coming days, and any Expert fullgame run with training in it will be retimed to reflect the change.

Jayrude gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis6 years ago

A little late of a response there Jill, but admittedly I did not really make an official post/update on this site.

Due to the fact that most of the people who care are fairly active in the community discord, we made the announcement there. If you check the leaderboards now, there is an option to list GoldToDark, as seen here -> https://i.imgur.com/CQ8cWUw.png

I've gone through and confirmed the levels are indeed 1:1 copies: the key on The Sword is in the same place, the loot on Escape is correct, and everything else that was a minor change is a-ok. Good job ;p. Though, sometimes enemy animations bug out a bit, but that's not too big a deal.

Neat to have the dev here tho, are you one of the many TTLG forum poster who also think we are playing the game "wrong"? A lot of them are a little annoying with that.

New York City, NY, USAPsych0sis6 years ago

where can i find a v1.0 download for the game?

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