3 years ago
United States

Would the PC conversion of LCS titled "GTA Re: LCS" mod over Vice City, by Ryadica926 count as a category here or are only official versions of the game allowed?

Virgin Islands, U.S.

It definitely won't count here, but it might be a category over GTAMemes ( or maybe it can get its own leaderboard as a sub game. But until the mod is 100% finished, none of that is going to happen

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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Hello, gamers.

It's September, and we all know what that means - it's time for September ILs Looking Yummy! Prime time to test some ideas and just get your feet wet before DILD(o).

To celebrate this event, the LCS moderation team updated the rules for IL runs. We highly recommend read

10 days ago
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