HP3 100% Guide
HP3 100% Guide
Aktualisiert 8 years ago von Saek

1st card after Malfoy

Carpe Retractum: -shield 1/10 right after blocks -secret 1/5 Statue next to first tarzan swag(2nd card) -shield 2/10 right across platforms after pulling ropes -shield 3/10 in room after pixies, knock back all 4 knights -secret 2/5 hidden alcove(3rd card) -shield 4/10 in room after 4 knights, in secret room at the top -secret 3/5 hidden area after depulso both knights(4th card) -shield 5/10 in room after double turtles -shield 6/10 in staircase room, depulso switch then go across -shield 7/10 pull yourself up to ledge in next room and get shield -shield 8/10 in next room go around and up to high ledge -secret 4/5 hit 2 statues in small hall(5 th card) -shield 9/10 last painting on right after pixie room, hit secret5 and follow it(Card 6 after depulsing the 4 statues) -shield 10/10 big shield

Skip Bonus Bean Room

Go outside for Hippocrite -Secret 1/4 Hit Brasiers and Spongify to top in main hall Ext: -Secret 1/6 Fountain(Card 7) -Secret 2/6 Top Area exposed by knight(Card "8") -Secret 3/6 Cast on 2 witches before entrance to puzzle area -Stone Puzzle(Card 9) -Secret 4/6 Mini Lumos Area(Card 10) -Secret 5/6 bridge with lumos -Secret 6/6 Behind Hagrid Hut(Card 11)

Grab appropriate cakes and pasties. Get 5 cards from fairies(Card 12-16) Card 17-21 from Hypocrite

Draconifors+Lapifors -Go to first floor and enter class -Card 22 Statues before shield 1 -shield 1/10 you run into this progressing normally -shield 2/10 you run into this progressing normally -shield 3/10 you run into this progressing normally -Secret 1/8 Depulso 2 gargoyles and enter small passage with 2 cauldrons -shield 4/10 you run into this progressing normally in first dragon room -Secret 2/8 Drop down middle area(Card 23 in Big Pumpkin) -shield 5/10 you run into this progressing normally in 2nd dragon room -secret 3/8 mini area to the left with rabbit -secret 4/8 depulso statue where voodoos used to be,then drop down -shield 6/10 at top of staircase -Card 24 in puzzle room -shield 7/10 in puzzle room -shield 8/10 in fountain room, use rabbit to bring down(5th Secret) -shield 9/10 spongify up after gnomes, solve puzzle(25th card+6th Secret) -Secret 7/8 Find Rabbit Statue before dragon, lead backwards to dirt pile -Secret 8/8 lead Rabbit to tower(26th card) -shield 10/10 big shield

Follow this guide for Hermione and Harry's BBR

-Do Anti Dementor lesson and grab 27th card

-Go to Library for trial and grab 28th card to the left

-Enter back into library and defeat Book(29th - 33rd Card)


Shield 1/10 after killing first lizard Secret 1/5 Alohomora banner in the left in the small hall(Card 34) Secret 2/5 Small corridor near 2 salies(Card 35) Shield 2/10 after first slide, spongify tile Shield 3/10 run into it on slide Secret 3/5 Corridor beneath all pixies(Card 36) Shield 4/10 take staircase in pixie room Shield 5/10 shoot both statues Shield 6/10 take right path on slide for CCs and shield Secret 4/5 Banner to the left of first room Card 37 Chest Behind 2nd Down Block Shield 7/10 spongify tile after gnomes Secret 5/5 left banner before final slide Shield 8/10 right path, gain speed at jump Card 38 right part of slide before 9th shield Shield 9/10 at end of slide Shield 10/10 big shield

Whomping Willow Secret 1/5 right area of first hall depulso skull on top Secret 2/5 Get rid of both skells, depulso skull on left and enter room Secret 3/5 Defeat Manders and Skellys, then enter secret room Secret 4/5 Small area with dragon entrance under first fire platform Secret 5/5 Depulso 2 skulls on 2 nd level of Spongify Card 39 on the way after defeating skells

Buckbeak: When Reunited with Herm, depulso cauldron in room after alohomora to get Card 36

Shopping! You need 97 CC's to do early 6th password -Go back to warts, head to shop and buy 6 Passwords -Proceed and do all Portraits from floors 0-2, 4-5(Cards 41-46) Secret 2: 2nd floor(Near Library) Secret 3: 5th Floor(Alohomora Portraits above TummyButton, then enter secret room) Secret 4: Outside F+G shop Cards 47-48 in 6th and 7th floor portraits -Buy remainder of cars from kid and George at shop(Card 49-74) -Get last card and get cards from Bean room(75-80)

Do Final Exams Carpe Shield 1/5: in Second pillar room(Cast Carpe on Rope above entrance Shield 2+3/5: In Circular Area(Get the spongify one first, then the bottom one Shield 4: Carpe down the circular area and reenter the last area, tarzan up to top Shield 5: At the End

D+L Shield 1: On the Way Shield 2: cast 4 knights b4 the draconifor's portion Shield 3+4: Use fire on platforms, then get shields near exit Shield 5: On the way

Glacius: Shields 1-5: On the Way

Done :)

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