Console separation?
4 years ago
Michigan, USA

I've considered learning this run since its brand new. But I run on xbox one. Has the mod team had any discussions regarding spliting platforms before the PB's begin rolling in? :)

Nordjylland, Denmark

seems like it got same fps

Michigan, USA

Load times could be vastly different depending on platforms though.

Mississippi, USA

as far as i can tell it may be best to split them

Uusimaa, Finland

i think it would be wisest thing to split atleast PC and Console, at the moment i don't see need of splitting PS4 and XBOX seperately, but i think Console and PC should be seperated.

Alexo and Saiyanz like this
Nordjylland, Denmark

how do we make sub categorys

Western Australia, Australia

I have done it for you @Daniel_1RD

I do agree with Thomc comments and believe PC & Console should be seperated as PC has a much bigger advantage when it comes to its hardware (load times). Also we will have to consider a load removal for PC at some point to keep the competition at a fair playing field

ThomasXV likes this
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