New Any% WR
8 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Should we ban this strategy?

I have been able to repeat this by mashing shift + enter as I hit b to found the city.

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Idk tbh, i think every time on the leaderboard would be really hard to determine as it would be by .000 times, and every time would be the same, but if everyone else wants this then fine.

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

For me it's ok. I have no idea how you discovered that, but GG !

South Korea

LOL first, i found that strategy, and it is any% so... first i was thought it is okay...

but now i dont think like that, cause ... actually it record is maybe 0.001 sec (just deley by timer click) then, CIV 5 any% is just 'fast shift+enter' button click game

anyway i don't care, important thing is i found that way :D

(thanks for reading my horrible english XD)

(to sakk, because i play CIV5 1500 hour :) )

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Well, for me, civilization 5 any% was already absurd without this strategy. So it's not a problem It's just really sad that this technical work only for the first settler...