Pending verification

Main Rules

  • Runs must have video footage with game audio, and must be at a minimum of 30fps
  • Runs must be performed on the current patch of the game
  • Runs must be performed on a vanilla version of the game with no modifications
  • No macros, autoclickers, or otherwise external tools
  • Runs must be completed single segment


Helmet Rush

  • Collect all the helmets in the game as fast as possible using unlocked Mission Select and the supplied save files to skip cutscenes and dialogue.

  • Loading of NCS (No Cutscenes) saves and using Mission Select is allowed at any point in any order during the run.

  • You are not required to make use of the NCS saves if you would rather not, or are running on console where it’s not possible.

  • To aid verification, when recording your run, after you collect all the helmets in the game, quit to menu and navigate to Mission Select to make the total helmet count visible.

  • Runners are also encouraged to show collected helmets (none) before starting a run, but this is not strictly required.

  • For those participating on console if your run would be eligible for a cash prize but isn't due to load times or NCS time differences, your final personal best run will be retimed at the end of the challenge during the verification phase.


  • Timing begins after loading into the Gauntlet.
  • Timing ends when you collect the last available helmet in the game.
  • Run timing is done LRT (Load-Removed Time)
  • If on PC, please use the load removal integration with LiveSplit.

Bans & Restrictions

- Glitches performed outside of the campaign

This applies to 500% Core, Health, 2.5x damage, or any other glitch acquired outside of a run setting, most typically from a multiplayer private match. Any% Core Glitch is exempt from 500% Core and Health glitch restrictions.

- Macros

Any software or hardware used to input more actions than you would normally be able to do with a single input.

- Modification of in-game files

This includes launching the game via icepick, vpk mods, and any other imaginable form of modification. For a whitelist of accepted custom.cfg and launch option commands, CLICK HERE!

- Zweek's Speedrun Menu Mod is excluded from the above rule and is allowed (but not required)

- Digital to Analogue or Analogue to Digital Input Emulation (DA/ADIE)

Digital and analogue inputs may not be emulated as their counterparts under any circumstances. Examples include software that emulates WASD directional inputs as analogue stick presses, or hardware like the XIM adapter for consoles. Compatibility software that allows for a variety of controllers to be used on PC, such as InputMapper or DS4Windows are acceptable, as they don't change the received input type (Analogue -> Analogue). Using software to bind controller D-Pads to WASD inputs is also accepted, as they don't change received input type (Digital -> Digital).

- Every bound key on your keyboard must be digital and have a set actuation point and release point

Any keyboard that by design deviates from this default behavior is banned. For example, Wooting keyboards are not allowed due to their analog keypress and rapid trigger functionalities.

- Changing languages during a run is not permitted.

- Max FPS must be capped between 30 and 144.

High Profile Submission Requirements

High Profile runs are currently defined as runs with a leaderboard position in the top 5.

  • Full game audio. No segments of your run may be lacking clear game audio or muted. This does not mean you can't talk or play music during your run. Game audio must simply be easy to hear. If there's a problem with your audio, contact a moderator in discord for review.

  • Input Overlay. PC runs (controller or keyboard) must have a visible input overlay at all times. Any overlay that clearly displays movement, crouch, and jump inputs is acceptable. Overlays can be found under the Resources tab. Console runs are exempt from this clause.

General Guide

These aren't strict rules, but a list of general instructions if you're not sure how to get started with this category.

  • To see all the helmet locations, we recommend watching an All Helmets or All Helmets NCS run that is already on the boards.

  • Helmet collection persists when loading checkpoints, saves, and quitting to menu. These instructions take advantage of this. After collecting all the helmets in a level, you may immediately quit to menu and head for the next one, or use an NCS save to skip needless intro cutscenes.

NCS Installation Guide

NCS Saves Download: https://www.speedrun.com/titanfall_2/resources

Pilot's Gauntlet

After going through most of the gauntlet and collecting the helmet at the end, you may immediately load the "fastany1" save to start BT-7274 much faster than waiting for the cutscenes.


You will need to do the first battery segment as usual, as you receive your double jump halfway through it. After returning to BT, you can either do the second battery segment normally, or directly head for the helmet by going right of the usual route, watching out for the unclimbable rocks on your way there. After collecting the second helmet, you may immediately quit to menu and load Blood and Rust from Mission Select.

Effect and Cause

You can skip doing Chapter 1 of this level, as it takes about a minute to reach the helmet locations, you may instead start from Chapter 2, and upon getting all the helmets there, load chapter 3 and immediately head to the left from the building exit to find the last two helmets for this level.

The Beacon

Again, skip chapter 1 and go directly for Beacon 2. After collecting the last helmet there, load the "fastany5" or "fasthelms5" save that takes you either directly into the fastball sequence or just before it in Beacon 3. Here, you can skip grabbing the module, and instead just do one big round trip to grab all 9 helmets in the level.

Trial by Fire

Skip a short intro cutscene by loading the "fastany6" save. For the last helmet, it is possible to do a semi-precise climb to skip the elevator sequence to directly collect the helmet and load the next level.

The Ark & The Fold Weapon

Both of these levels begin with pretty long intro cutscenes, so use the "fastany7" and "fastany8" saves respectively for each level when you're done with the previous one.


Titanfall 2 Speedrunning Discord Server

Titanfall 2 Speedrunning Setup Tutorial:

PlacePrize (USD)Players
First place
Second place
Third place
Challenge Info
Start time
2024-10-04 11:00
End time
2024-10-13 23:00
1 week, 2 days
Prize pool
Game followers
Runs submitted
Participation award
Title: "Pilot"
What is a Challenge?

Challenges are time-limited speedrunning competitions.

They function very similarly to regular leaderboards except run submission is only allowed within a set time frame.

Challenges may feature unique themes, rules, or objectives that differ from the regular categories. They provide an opportunity to explore different aspects of a game or to celebrate specific events, discoveries, or community milestones.

What is a Contest?

Contests are special challenges hosted by the team at Speedrun.com that may offer prize money and other benefits.