All Events (No Game-Over)
3 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

I was thinking again about this "No Game Over" category, I think it's a bit boring run except for the Skating & Surfing events.

  • Half Pipe = wait for timer, no turns, no arial, doing some up and down key to keep the right speed
  • Foot Bag = wait for timer & do nothing (or do something for fun)
  • Surf = wait for the timer & surf in straight line, make sure to exit the wave before the time is up
  • Skating = challenge! go as fast as possible without falling and avoid the random balloon
  • BMX = challenge! go fast, jump for some obstacle
  • Flying Disk = drop the disk, same as Any%

Unless we someone interested in this category, I would suggest to remove "All - No Game Over" and replace it with "Some - No Game Over" for Skating & BMX. Actually we can even call it "Some - Finish Line" or something

Edited by the author 3 years ago
AntBlueR likes this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Yes, but the fast Strat is not die, and you can do few thing waiting finish the Timer.

Toronto, ON, Canada

There is no hurry, let's keep this "All - No Game Over" category for now and let's see if we have some runs for this category in the future. For the "Some Events" Category, I think it's better to start a new thread in the forum, we will have some idea after we start posting some run for the "No Game Over" and "High Score" category

AntBlueR likes this
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I was planning on running it, I accidentally got really far on bmx once lol

AntBlueR likes this
Toronto, ON, Canada

sounds good! I'm gonna start with Individual Level for the "High Score" category, I've found a decent strat for surfing and BMX, I will published them when I have a good time on them. So far Flying Disk is the most challenging, I haven't figured out a strat to catch the disk every time, maybe the most difficult event in the game I would say

Edited by the author 3 years ago
AntBlueR likes this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I will try Flying Disk and Skating, I've tried Half Pipe, but the video didnt saved.

Toronto, ON, Canada

Freshly found in the game's manual: in the BMX event you suppose to stop at the goal line at the end of the course. Falling after the line is considered as "crashed on head", check those 2 screenshots:

AntBlueR a no game over for BMX should be "reached the goal" right? i will update the rules

AntBlueR likes this
Toronto, ON, Canada

for the Skating level, getting to the end line is a "Reached the goal", so I confirming it should be the same for BMX as well (for the No Game Over category)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
AntBlueR likes this
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Reached the end of bmx in 1:32:37, it is not as hard as I though but it does not read the a button very well. Alot of the time it's better to just stay in a straight line and passively avoid. Staying near the rails for most of it and then when there is a big ramp with a log there is a trick that makes you horizontal and gives you more room, faster and easier than jumping lol

AntBlueR likes this
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Skating you can go as slow as needed but if you are too slow and you stop in front of an obstacle you are practically screwed, you can't get enough speed to jump over a thing. The timing is delayed because she has to crouch before jumping. There are these dips in the ground you need to slow down on because she can't jump over it and have enough to jump over the grass ahead of it, unless you are at the edge of the jump it could be possible. There is also a beach ball that is very random and it is practically the shark of the nes port in this game. It's very vicious, it bounces up and down all around the area and I have no idea how to read it just yet. It will kill you though

AntBlueR and arnaud33200 like this
Toronto, ON, Canada

I was wondering, for the IL Foot Bag High Score, should we do a special Rules for the time? Something like:

"Time ends on the first frame when the score is above 35 0000"

What do you think? I consider it second difficult after the flying disk, it would be a nice challenge to have an high score as fast as possible

Edited by the author 3 years ago
AntBlueR likes this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

About BMX, I died on the final, a lot times, on my Last Stream I was on the Final and I died.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

About change the Foot Bag IL, I agree with you, because will be more difficult and more intersting, I was praticing Doda and its not harder (FOR ME, MY OPNION) the problem is the SMS Controller.

Toronto, ON, Canada

I notice something on the flying disk event: the game keep the count of disk caught. I think for No Game Over Flying Disk, the rule should be "catch the disk for the 3 tries", doing so the game will say "3 FOR 3 - - WAY TO BE!" instead of "0 FOR 3 - - HANG IN THERE!" (similar to try again).

For Surfing, are we considering it's a no game over when timer hit exactly zero or at the moment we can hear the long bip sound and the wave starts to close? I think to make it simple and easy to check I would say it counts as a no game over if the wave is fully closed before the screen turns black.

For Half Pipe, just want to make sure it's a no game over when the skater is standing at the bottom of the half pipe, holding his board and the to screen says "Time up : Game Over"

Edited by the author 3 years ago
AntBlueR likes this
Toronto, ON, Canada

I upated the rules in the guide and put some screenshot:

Also I just realized for skating we don't have choice to get the highscore, trying to jump as less as possible, I got a final score of 1840 (greater than 1010), even crashing 2 times would still have an score above 1010

For BMX, without doing any trick and just jumpinp the final score is around 12 000, so it's easy to avoid the high score.

For Flying, with 3 running right catch (150 points) we can get around 700, which is bellow the high score. The disk need to have a smallest distance, otherwise score can go above 800. I've tried low speed and big angle

Edited by the author 3 years ago
AntBlueR likes this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Question, Can I catch the Disk one time and Lose the outher 2 chances?

Toronto, ON, Canada

If you catch the disk one time, the game would not consider it as complete, since we are searching for the good ending for each event. So for Flying Disk, it would require 3 for 3 catch

Edited by the author 3 years ago
AntBlueR likes this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ok, thanks :)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

About Surfing, I don't know if it's allowed, but how about if we lose when it's over, it saves a little time, and it doesn't have to be the last chance.

Toronto, ON, Canada

I was thinking about leaving the wave close to "00:00" time, but since we want to do good ending of the event. For Surfing, a good ending is the long beep sound follow by a closing wave. There are no other indication that it's the right ending, like the top title in BMX.

So having the wave fully closed before the screen turns black garantee it's a good ending and it's simpler to check if this event is valid.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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