Timing endpoint
3 years ago

Is there a particular reason for the current endpoint? I'd think ending the timer when the player touches the pearl makes more sense and is easier to verify, since it doesn't require catching the exact final pixels to fill in on the credits scene.

Also, it's possible to jump in the credits, which maybe changes the timing? At least in the web version on itch:

Fabric likes this
Michigan, USA

Definitely need to change the end frame because there seems to be a massive disrcepency between how long the outro animation takes to play out for whatever reason. Comparing the run I just submitted to the previous persons records, my screen stays white for almost 5 full seconds longer for no reason.

It should be changed to be the 1st frame that the white beam appears, which is triggered by touching the ending relic, which is also the exact same frame that the in-game timer stops while in speedrun mode.

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