Brand New Category!
Brand New Category!
Posted 2 years ago by

After a very long time of waiting and speedrunning, I have finally implemented a new Speedrun Category! It is called "Extra Life" it's the same thing as High Score except you are allowed to use your extra life to continue a run even after you've fallen, so a bad run can turn into a World Record run! For those of you who might be wondering how "No Boosters" will work in this category, as long as you avoid all boosters and only use your Extra Life after falling your run will be counted as as an official run for the "no boosters" Sub-Category

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Individual Level Runs • New Sub-Categories Have Been Added!!!

We have a huge announcement all the Beat Stomper Moderators would like to share!

No Boost and No Stomp have now been added to our Individual Level Runs!

Thanks to the help of our moderators ElectroWeb, Coalan, and Samylol99 we have fina

2 months ago
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