Best Route to Unlock Level Four
Best Route to Unlock Level Four
Updated 1 year ago by Samylol99

Hello , I wanted to share in this post, the route that was discovered by Coalan and ElectroWeb and I in the BSD server :

1- Reach 100 no more no less to unlock doesn't matter. 2 - Pause and immediately exit the game at 100 make sure to get all boosters except the one on the 100th platfrom. 3- Play 99 games , don't exit the game when you see the achievement appear. 4- Start a new game. 5- Continue by getting 50 without boosters. 6- Finish by reaching 200 while getting all boosters in the same game. The level four achievement will appear the moment you reach 200

Player isn't obligated to use this specific route , in fact we encourage the Player to improvise and find an even faster route. But this is currently fastes humanly doable route, we deduced since it'll save you the unlock animation for the majority of songs and doesn't rely heavily on you counting to 98.

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The final standings can be seen on and also on the image attached. The top 3 can DM #electr0web on discord to claim their prize of:

1st place - TheYuriy => 30$

2nd place - QwesX => 15$

3rd place - LordParoah => 10$

Thanks for

8 months ago
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