How To Speedrun NG+
How To Speedrun NG+
Updated 3 years ago by zoomsuper

This guide is mostly for the DS version, so some strategies may not work on other consoles.

XC = X-Combo/Heavy Combo YC = Y-Combo/Fast Combo Power Orb = Red Orb with lightning bolt, increases power [START] = Skip cutscene

PRE-RUN NOTES -Try to not run out of stamina, it's faster to stop at a sliver and recover -USA 1 is the only place where you can lose via landmark in a run -Red mines waste ~7 seconds -Don't use holograms. You don't need them if you're fast (or lucky in USA 1) -Avoid gate cards, they was ~4 seconds and ruin approaches

INTERSPACE -Get to where Scorpion spawns, then skip Dan's dialogue with START. -This is the only level where in-battle dialogue can be skipped. -While Dan talks about targeting with L after guarding, shoot M.Drago until he reaches red, then skip ability dialogue to immediately charge the ability card, use that to finish M.Drago off. -Good Insterspace time is 1:08-1:12

JAPAN 1 (Fortress x5) -[START]x7, and press A on Drago's text box -Get through security, nothing special -[START] -Switch to Magma Wilda, this will be your only Bakugan in the run. -XC Fortress 1-3 -Destroy closest building >If Power Orb is obtained, YC 4-5 >No orb, XC

JAPAN 2 (Elfin) -[START], don't save -[START]x4 -Go through security -Elfin >XC+Slam, backup then YC -Destroy 2 buildings >If Power Orb appears, do NOT collect it until Fortress 1 spawns, or if orb flashes -XC both Fortress, Slam + YC if no orb

UK 1 (Dynamo x5) -[START], don't save, [START] -Go through security >Go straight while cloaked on guard 1, he won't catch you >When deactivating laser gate, [START] -[START] -Dynamo x5 >XC+Slam+YC >Dynamo 3+4 spawn in building area >Dynamo 5 spawns near railway

UK 2 (Tripod Theta+Epsilon x2) -[START], don't save, [START] -Just go through security, the gates deactivate right as you reach them if you go right through the section -[START] -XC + Y-Slam Epsilon -XC, X-Slam, Y-hit Theta (X-Slam + YC also works depending on position) -Kill crystals, try to repeat

UK 3 (Percival + Brontes) -[START], don't save -[START] -Percival >X-Slam+XC+Y-Slam if start off flying >More strategies to come after more attempts... -Falcon Fly >XC+Y-Slam or X-Slam+YC >XC will kill if Power Orb is obtained -Kill crystal after I-Frames wear off -Falcon Fly 2, same strat -Brontes >Spawns immediately after, near original start area >No consistent strat to kill (yet) due to high chances to break combo >On shield, XC twice to wear down shield

CHINA 1 (Bird and Nemus) -[START], don't save, [START] -Go through security, [START] -Target crystal, fly and dash in the direction until you can target it -Same Falcon Fly strats -Shoot 1 building, though it's likely to drop a card -Ingram >YC, combo may break -Nemus >XC+X-Slam, repeat if no power orb

CHINA 2 (Piercian and Theta) -[START], don't save -[START] -Go through security, Mylene scenes can be skipped -[START] -Kill Haos crystal first >Dash backwards and retarget -Piercian >No consistent strat, thanks to combo break >XC+X-Slam is the general strat -Kill Aquos crystal -Tripod Theta >XC+X-Slam

JAPAN 3 (Wilda+Hades) -[START], don't save -[START] -Wilda >XC+X-Slam until death, try to kill near crystal -Kill crystal 1+2 -Fortress 1+2 >XC kills -Dash to the water in between the raised platform and Hades's spawn >This increases the Fortress' chances of being caught in your combo w/Hades -Hades >XC+X-Slam -Fortress 3+4 have same strat

CHINA 3 ("Just don't get hit" -Lync) -[START], don't save, [START]x2 -[START] -Ventus Crystal >Jump+Y-Slam towards Hylash once, then Y-Slam towards the crytsal until you hit it >Oh shit, they teleport (mash A through dialogue and look at it) >Fly to pillar in center and shoot from there >TAKE 2ND SHOT IN AIR, OR YOU WILL GET KNOCKED OFF AND LOSE TIME >Y-Slam or YC -Hylash 1-3 >Slam+YC >Try to kill Hylash 3 near Altair's spawn location -Altair >Almost always have to retarget to for some reason >XC+Y-Slam+YC will kill if uninterrupted >If XC is broken, YC to death -Wired >Chase down and Y-Slam to Y-hit

EGYPT 1 (Scorpions and Fencer... and mines) -[START]x2, don't save -Go through security >Be careful to not get caught on a barrier at the beginning >Stick to the right side -[START] -Kill Crystal -Scorpion x2 >1-2 XC+X-Slam -Kill Crystal 2 -Metal Fencer >X-Slam+XC or XC+Slam+YC -Scorpion 3 >XC+X-Slam+YC

EGYPT 2 (Helios, Hexados, and mines) -[START] -[START] -Hexados x2 >Immediately shield >X-Hit 3 times, retarget to Hex 2, then hit 2-3 times >This may make them detonate the mines -Helios >Spawns in top left of arena >No consistent strat due to high combo break chance >Mines will not affect you if either fall into them >Y-Slam out of fall if YOU are XCd RIP Drago

EGYPT 3 (Baliton+Vulcan) -[START], don't save, [START] -[START] -Security >If you didn't stop for any reason, you will fit between the wall and mini-robot on the top-left of the loop >This also applies to the red robot in the 2nd loop -[START] -Crystal x2 >X-Slam+Y-Slam or XC -Baliton 1+2 >X-Slam+YC or XC+X-Slam+Y-Hit -Crystal 3+4 have same strat >Destroy building if you want, may obtain Power Orb, but likely a gate card -Baliton 3+4 have same strat -Vulcan >Backup after a combo break, since he explodes >If charged, use Magma Shot ability card during explosion >Constantly breaks combos >Other strats WIP

USA 1 (Brontes+Altair twice) -[START], don't save -[START], security -Brontes 1 >Same strat, likely to combo break >Also likely to target landmark 2, which means potentially less combo breaks -Kill Haos Crystal 1 -Altair 1 >Same strat, will target landmark 1 -As Brontes and Altair respawn, WATCH THE LANDMARK HEALTH, YOU CAN LOSE HERE -Brontes 2 >Spawns near your start location >Retarget twice >Fight with same strat -Altair 2 same strat -Kill both crystals >Haos teleports to top-right of the map (not far) >Ventus teleports to the left behind 2 buildings (indestructible and one destructible)

USA 2 (Hades, Elico, Minefield) -[START], don't save -[START], security, [START] -WATCH FOR MINES -Target Hades then Elico -Destroy Crystals -Retarget to either Elico or Hades, then kill

USA 3 (Snakes with an exploding man) -[START], don't save -[START] -Destroy crystals in this order: Pyrus, Darkus, Haos, Subterra -Kill Vulcan, eggs, then Hexados -Vulcan again

Vexos Base -[START], don't save -Hardest security level in the game, no consistent strategy -[START] -Just XC+X-Slam Drago

Journey To The Center Of The Earthâ„¢ -[START]x2 -M.Helios (Phase 1) >Don't charge straight in, you may be hit by the charged shot and lose LOTS of time >YC to needed health -Abyss >Try to get to opposite side of M.Helios, or to the left/right. >M.Helios can get stuck, but no consistent setup has been found yet >After Abyss is destroyed, keep spamming X, you may dash over to M.Helios when he teleports there -M.Helios (Phase 2) >XC+Y-Slam to death >If knocked far away, DO NOT CHARGE FORWARD


If any new strats are found, please DM me via Discord or Twitter

Last Updated: 11:36PM EST, 29 June 2020

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