Jess Situation
3 years ago
California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Some people may not know this but there is been going some changes to the mod board pretty soon if Ghostminer decides so. sorry jess but you are banned from the discord, you caused to much trouble in the server. dont even try to do anything to the speedrun page or ghost miner will have to ban you on here as well, soon Jess will be revoked of His mod abilitys and or banned from the board. if you want more info just go to the discord server.


Agree. He also rejected my run and leave a message "Lol No XD" which is really immature and weird. A moderator should be professional in handling their verification.

GhostMiner likes this
California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Yes, J3ss39 is immature when it comes to simple tasks such as verifying runs top that with his banning of GhostMiner for no good reason and we have a really solid argument towards banning him

GhostMiner likes this

Since i told him not to change the page without asking me he's been pretty quiet, which is really good. Jess is a mod just because he requested the page, if he was a normal mod he would have been banned ages ago after all this. The only thing he can do with this, is to leave. Trying anything else will only result in me having more reasons to get him removed from this page as well.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

If jess happens to see this i feel that it is only fair for him to leave after everything, regardless of if he requested the game or not

GhostMiner likes this

I'm just going to be staying here quietly, verifying runs and occasionally run the game on my own. I do not want to get into any more trouble with GhostMiner.

California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

but thats not what i meant, i meant that because youve starte 2 arguments you should be banned from everything speedrun page included

California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Plus staying here just adds the extra chance of you getting into more stuff with ghost. you freaking made 2 arguments in less than 2 months and on top of that you have been imature stating No Lol XD to Chocolates run. Just an FIY: MODS DONT FUCKING DO THAT

Edited by the author 3 years ago
California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Quote from Chocolate: "Agreed. He also rejected my run and leave a message "Lol No XD" which is really immature and weird. A moderator should be professional in handling their verification." Professionals do not do that and neither should you. im not one to go full ban on pople when did did one thing wrong but you have done 3 immature things. 1. Banning GhostMiner (AKA. CREATOR OF GAME) for adding stuff to the leaderboard you didnt like 2. Starting an argument because you thought ghost didnt take in feedback? (idk didnt read the whole convo) 3. Being immature towards verifying runs Quote again "Agreed. He also rejected my run and leave a message "Lol No XD" which is really immature and weird. A moderator should be professional in handling their verification." I think all of us think you should be banned because of this. Of course your too immature to listen to us but im just saying

California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

And saying Lol no xD after skating on thin ice is called pushing it too far i a m j u s t s a y i n g ;)


Here is my awnser:

  1. Banning GhostMiner (AKA. CREATOR OF GAME) for adding stuff to the leaderboard you didnt like

When I added him as a mod and came back the next day, the whole page was suddenly changed, it should be common knowledge as a moderator that any major changes have to be discussed with the other moderators beforehand. This applies to everything that can be moderated. Him being the developer should (and does) not give him any reason of being a moderator. Every one of my friends and other runners of games I play (some of which are moderators) I talked to thinks this is true. If you think this is unfair then go complain to the mods.

He also does not seem to have any past speedrunning experience, a moderator of a speedrunning site should at least have some speedrunning history. This is also common knowledge that every speedrunner should have. (I know that he did a tutorial speedrun but he only did that right after I told him that)

  1. Starting an argument because you thought ghost didnt take in feedback? (idk didnt read the whole convo)

It's true that I have started some discussions, I completely agree that what I did was wrong. Not sure if banning me from the discord server was the best decision, seeing as we still need to discuss things when one of us (or both) want to make changes to the page.

  1. Being immature towards verifying runs Quote again "Agreed. He also rejected my run and leave a message "Lol No XD" which is really immature and weird.

I made a rule stating that you are not allowed to change your movement speed for 1.2 and older a while back. I think GhostMiner accidentally deleted it when he changed the whole page. That is why I didn't know it was gone. (I didn't even know he changed the rules anyway) I didn't give him any reason for his rejection because I thought that it was still in the rules and I presumed he read them. I have already apologised to Ivander about this and I promise this will not happen again. I understand why this message would be taken as immature looking from another person's perspective.

Hope this helps with your questions

Knarf likes this

@Kamori about the case of writing "Lol No XD" in rejecting my video is that he did not state the reason why he rejected my run and he already apologized to me. So the issue or case about that with me is done. and thank you @j3ss39 for the explanation above, it helped me understand it even more.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

We have already experienced this time period, so in short:

1.: Who knows the game better? Some internet user who's been playing it for a few hours at best or the developer who spent months developing it?

2.: You were just finding and/or coming up with an excuses to hate me.

3.: Giving "lol no xd" to rejection reason is as proffesional as fixing broken stuff with a duct tape. If you weren't sure if the rule about modifying the player speed exists, you should have checked the rules. Not knowing the rules is never an excuse.

"I made a rule stating that you are not allowed to change your movement speed for 1.2 and older a while back. I think GhostMiner accidentally deleted it when he changed the whole page."

That is very likely that i have removed it while rewriting the rules. Your rules weren't terrible but were not the best either.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
IvanderLatidjan likes this

Let's not start another discussion ok?

You meant arguemnt. We are in discussion right now. ;)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago
  1. It doesn't matter whether or not GhostMiner has experience he made the game and therefore has every right to change the leader-board as he pleases.

  2. Your "friends" have nothing to do with this sure their speedrunners but that doesnt mean they should be able to make decisions and help your case

  3. Whether you like it or not, you started another argument. leaving wouldve stopped this whole thing but you decided to push it further

4.You said that Chocolate broke the rules, well really you shouldve simply stated i cant verify the run because of (insert rule here). Instead you said No lol XD which i said multiple times NOT PROFESSIONAL.

  1. When GhostMiner said the 3 things you simply said i dont want to start another argument... OMFG at this point your just trying to piss us off your avoiding the truth hiding it with (insert dont wanna statement here).

  2. Chocolate this is for you. Sure he apologized but that was after all of this. he is just trying to wrap it up in the wrong way (hint: LEAVE)

In conclusion: this has gone to far. Ghost and me (maybe chocolate too) all want you to leave. I have little to no modding experience but i would still be a better mod attitude wise. (m o d p l e a s e)

California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Mod please was a joke but i really would appreciate it

California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

"I made a rule stating that you are not allowed to change your movement speed for 1.2 and older a while back. I think GhostMiner accidentally deleted it when he changed the whole page."


California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

When I added him as a mod and came back the next day, the whole page was suddenly changed, it should be common knowledge as a moderator that any major changes have to be discussed with the other moderators beforehand. This applies to everything that can be moderated. Him being the developer should (and does) not give him any reason of being a moderator. Every one of my friends and other runners of games I play (some of which are moderators) I talked to thinks this is true. If you think this is unfair then go complain to the mods.

The thing is that your friends shouldn't (and will not) have any say in this what so ever. Yes changes should be discussed towards mods... But that gives you no reason to ban him out of the blue not even verifying any runs until he came back. Rude... Yes it does like ghost said people who spent a few days playing the game should not be a mod (unless shown otherwise) and developers do. i have seen multiple cases where the developer has been a mod of game leaderboards completely destroying your argument want to go further? well that gives us more right to make you leave the only reason you havnt left yet is because Ghost hasnt done a lot of stuff yet (or he did and nothing is working)

If you really, really, really want Jesse to leave, then you shouldn't continue replying to this thread. Continuously replying just to attack him and to restate your previous arguments does nothing. You also repeatedly called Jesse "not professional" in your arguments when you clearly weren't acting any more professional than he was by overly bombarding him with hate and criticism. What I am trying to say is that you should stop repeating your past arguments and you should stop increasing the amount of toxicity within the BBJ community. We are all trying to work together to create a more helpful and friendly environment. As far as I understand it, this situation has been dealt with and does not need to be discussed any further.

*Also, please note that I am not trying to stir up more drama within this community, that is truly the last thing I want.

TL;DR - GhostMiner should lock this thread in order to prevent further toxicity within the BBJ community.

IvanderLatidjan likes this
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