Beginner Guide
Beginner Guide
Updated 2 years ago by vampfreeze

Intro: Use Flashpoint to play this game. You can play almost any flash game for free. Use Livesplit or some other speedrun timing program to time your runs and do splits. Please join the Ben 10 Speedrunning Discord server if you have any more questions! (this guide sometimes will get updated,check it again once in a while. This guide shows all the strategies I have found but obviously something else might work even better, and these are just my thoughts and tips. Feel free to experiment a little. Have fun! :D Game controls and game info: Double tap forward/back then hold to dash Space to use ultimate attack Z to attack, x to jump(never use!) C to enter transformation screen(arrows to select alien) There are many enemy types in the game, some will die in one combo, others will need a dash attack and some will even teleport. The more levels you complete the higher HP/rank enemies appear. The game is divided into 3 levels, all with 3 parts. At the end of a level there is a boss fight. You have an alien bar which depletes ⅓ bar when using a special, but to use an ultimate you will need 3/3 alien bar. Your attack/alien bar will fill up by either attacking or collecting green orbs. Sometimes your bar actually won't fill up when you collect a green orb, and sometimes it will instead give you some health if you don't have a lot of HP. Also: even if you have full bar when completing a level it will not stay in the next level, it will become empty. As you complete more levels the aliens get higher damage attacks but become slower. Timing starts when you gain control of spidermonkey in the first level. Watch the WR speedrun of your category to understand what to do.

Categories: In Any%, you may use the alien transformations you unlock throughout the game. For example in level one only spidermonkey is unlocked but in level 2 you may use either swampfire or spidermonkey. It's a good category to start with, but you can also try No Changes to just learn the basics of how to speedrun this. In NG+, you play the game again after completing it. You have every transformation unlocked and may transform at any time. The strategies change a lot here. Unfortunately, Flashpoint doesn't save your game after you complete it so you will need to play it fully again when opening the game. No changes. This one is self explanatory. You complete the game without changing aliens using the C button. You play the levels using the alien you transform into at the start of the level. (spidermonkey, swampfire then humungosaur)

Any% Guide: Any% WR:

Level 1: you need to be dashing almost all the time. Spidermonkey is very fast so you need to use that speed. A technique to get rid of enemies quickly is to dash attack them,but not from too close or too far away. (you will get used to the distance to attack from) When you dash attack an enemy, it increases the chances of the enemy not getting up again after being hit by a lot,but higher level(not a problem in this level) enemies will need more dash attacks. Not doing this would lose a few seconds per wave/enemy spawn..
Another very good thing to learn is using your special attack in the most optimal places. When there's many enemies all in one place, you can use your special to kill every enemy near you saving lots of time,but they need to be pretty close together,sometimes that range is bigger than it might seem! You shouldn't just use your specials whenever(wasting them). You will get a feel for what range the specials work in pretty quick. Also you have to kind of remember how much you need to have for the next part of the level. Sometimes you might need to wait a second to get all of the enemies in range for the special, kind of luring them to you for a little bit. Just try copy what the current world record does.

Boss: The boss will appear once before the actual battle. You can attack him as much as you can but you won't be taking away a huge amount of his HP(still it's most optimal to save up a few special attacks to damage him a little,saving time). This boss is very simple. You need to enter the real battle with ⅔ alien bar, run or dash attack to him, then use your specials. Then just keep spamming your attack button,don't move and use your special whenever you get enough bar for it. When he moves away from you, dash attack him and just keep attacking. sometimes this will actually stop him from doing his attack for some time(?). just keep attacking him whenever you can and he should die pretty quick. One little thing to remember for bosses is that you need to be in the same "line" as the boss,sometimes it might look like you'd hit your attacks while you're on top of them,but the game actually recognizes that as you being NEXT to them,no attacks register.

Level 2:

Part 1: You can use spidermonkey for this(transform right away), he beats the level a little faster than swampfire,but both are pretty good,use whichever you like(swampfire actually does a bit more damage,but he's just a bit slower. both kill the bikers in 1-2 hits.) For this part you just need to dash attack the enemies right away, don't let them escape to the other side before killing them. It just wastes time.. in this part of the level you just need to dash attack the enemies right when they appear. also in some parts of this it's very good to use your special attack. this is a very short section.

Part 2: Here you can use spidermonkey. He's a bit faster in movement and combat. The golems will usually die in 2 dashes(sometimes even 1). You can use your special on some of the golems, if you're lucky they will die from just that one special,but sometimes you will need to hit them a little bit. Again you just wanna dash attack the enemies from a little bit of a distance. For the miners dash attack them then mash z until they're dead(or special them all at once). Or you can use swampfire. His dash is also powerful but he's a bit slower in movement. Before I thought his special was useless, but no. You can position yourself well then special on the golem, some places even on the miners. The golems will die sometimes from that special(if hit by 2 orbs) but most of them you'll need to dash attack them once. Still that's 2x less dash attacking. (The special thows the orbs in around/a bit away from you where each point of a square is one fireball,it can suprisingly be used in a lot of parts of the level,but remember to save some for the boss.) (In this game, you sometimes need to be very specific about where you active your special or it won't hit.)

You really don't wanna let the golems fall down then get back up again. It wastes a ton of time. That's why dashes are so good, they stop that AND kill them quickly.

Boss 2: Use swampfire here. He's stronger than spidermonkey. hit zombozo once,he will move to the corner. Move to him right away,dash attacking again here will lose time. after this you can use your ultimate a bit away from the boss(so the seeds actually hit) this will take away a good chunk of his HP. Then just follow zombozo and keep dash attacking him as much as you can. If you want you can try use your special too but it's uses are kind of situational.

Level 3: Humungosaur's dash attack is very powerful. You're gonna be using it on all the enemies, especially the robots(don't let them teleport). Some places you can use your special to get rid of the enemies much quicker (it only kills enemies in front of you in a straight line,doesn't work on robots) there are also a few parts where you can use your ultimate when the enemies line up in a neat little line, but most parts you just waste time by using it. Using any other alien here is a bad idea because they are much shorter so they need to jump attack each robot like 5 times before they die. You COULD try use spidermonkey in some very specific situations,but it's really not worth the risk it just saves 10 seconds. In some situations you won't even be able to switch back to humungosaur after transforming. *The humungosaur special can also be useful in a few situations,will instakill sometimes and hits enemies in a straight line.

Boss 3: Use Humungosaur here because he's the best attack power wise. Just dash attack him a lot and whenever he moves follow him. The boss can also do an electricity attack that will almost kill you, but this can be simply avoided by moving more upwards. The attack will not hit you, but you will be able to hit him during the animation, because the hitbox is only below him, not above and when you move upwards, the electricity attack hitbox is below you and the game recognizes you being "higher up" than the boss , but the boss' huge hurtbox is still the same place as you are standing, infront of you and it's still possible to damage him for free. obviously this kind of strategy won't work if you're TOO high up. When he fires rockets(you should have almost killed him by now) you just keep dash attacking (your iframes save you)

NG+ Guide: NG+ WR:

This category is a bit more advanced. You're still going to be using the basics like dash attacking, keeping track of your alien bar and doing specials in the right place, but in some places you'll use a different alien and the first two bosses are different. Many time saves here.

Level 1: You will still be using spidermonkey for this level. Just do the same things you did in Any%.

Boss 1: This saves a minute+ time. You need to transform into humungousaur ideally before/when the boss text box appears make sure to collect enough alien bar to at least be able to ultimate after 2 dashes. then you need to dash attack bivalvan right away. When you see the boss starting to move to the other side, you need to ultimate him(there might be a specific time frame in which you need to use it) For some reason, this will stop him from actually going away. He will stand in one place for a little bit, you can keep attacking him. then will move midscreen, follow him and attack. After this he does his water attack,its OK if you die from it. When you've respawned, he will do a water attack offscreen. You can hit him a little bit after he does it. After this he finally goes "away". By then you should have killed the enemies and can move to the next section. He will be standing there. Keep hitting him and soon he will die! This is basically how it should happen: SORRY THIS VIDEO IS GONE MY YT IS BANNED,I WILL REDO IT ASAP.

Level 2:

In this level you will need to do the same things you did in Any%.

Boss 2: For this boss you will need to transform into humungousaur before entering the battle. Don't use his specials, combo or ultimate. Just spam your dash attack and follow zombozo. Nice amount of damage,this boss is meant for swampfire

Level 3:

Dash attack every enemy. You don't really want to use your ultimate except maaaybe in like 2 places.. Some places you can use your special though. If you think it's a good place to use it then use it.

Boss 3:

Same as Any%. Just dash attack the boss a lot… maybe special if you want but it doesn't really do much damage.

No Changes% Guide: This is the most basic category. Here you just use your basics like dash attacking, using your specials and ultimate in the best places. No changes WR:

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