In light of a recent run that is a perfect tie with the last WR when you ignore milliseconds, I've realized the need to finally activate milliseconds for this leaderboard. I apologize in saying that for the time being (heh, time), I'm gonna try and figure out a way of properly retiming every run so that the exact point in which the runs start is accounted for.
I hope I specified this rule somewhere, but pretty much time starts and ends with sound cues. Selecting your snake and the grunt noise it makes starts time, and the sound of hitting the final exit for each respective category is the time end. Naturally, this is a little hard to time for normally and as a recent runner learned, the ASL is close to perfect but off by just a hair. So I suggest doing the stupid thing and checking out your run audio with something like audacity to figure out the exact points.
Sorry for the extra hassle now, but this is a game with a short run that is gonna get competitive now and then, timewise.
Okay, for Stroll I've retimed the two WR runs as best as I currently can without doing an audio check like I'm suggesting, and unless I'm off in any way, it currently seems that Azanguru still holds the WR over newcomer shoko by ~50ms, which is pretty insane if you ask me.
I'm relying on a less accurate method of at least tracking for camera movement when you hit the exit, but I'm not sure ATM if control is lost a frame before the camera starts to get detached from the player, or a frame afterwards. It is also a method dependent on the angle in which you approach the exit, and on Azanguru's run it's actually not as easy to spot the exact frame the camera is unlocked from the player, as it is in shoko's run.
Sound is still the best reference sadly, and I promise to come back later and check that over again as that will give a better indication of just exactly what each time is down to the millisecond. Also it's not exactly useful for this particular game, but I used this utility to try and get the best indications of each time:
Thanks for this, it's crazy how close our runs are. However I might have to come back to this game now that my position is being threatened haha!
I have known of this game for years, but when I made the leaderboard it was kind of an afterthought in my period of doing speedruns as a hobby. Case in point, I've just learned the speed setting has no default it reverts to because the moment you mess with it, it stays that way and I can't find wher