The name of the game is "Army Men Air Attack", the picture for the game even says that, but the game is listed as "Air Combat" is that a regional thing? Also, the rules say runs have to be for the N64, what if I want to run the playstation version? Could you please add that to the list of consoles/rules? I would very much like to try and run the game. -thanks
Yeah no problem also this game was also on PC and I think it was a console differences some copies say Air attack and others say Air Combat but there both the same game.
I did a little looking and the Nintendo versions were called "Air Combat" and the PlayStation was "Air Attack" I suppose that would technically merit a separate game page wouldn't it? Or not, I have no idea. I have only speedrun Ape Escape so far.
And PlayStation games run on the ps2 can use fast disk speed, not sure if that would have an advantage over a cartridge game or not, because the cart should have faster load times