PSA: Huge changes to the timing method are coming.
7 years ago

We had a little chat with charmander, and we decided to retime all runs for USF4 (for the test) to a new standard.

Before: Full RTA, no pauses. Gives unfair advantage to SSD/Preload (or both) for PC version of the game. It's super hard to beat PC version times atm, thanks to the abhormal load times on Consoles.

After: IGT, from the start of the fights till the end. The time will be counted by taking 99 (original starting time) and subtracting it by the K.O time.

Example: You start the timer like normal. First "cutscene" takes around 6 seconds, loadscreen takes 4, and you kill Hugo in 19 seconds.

Old rule: 29-31 sec. New rule: 19 sec.

Because most of the active runners are sitting on the same server (Speedyfists one), i highly doubt i'll see any other input about this rule, but you're free to write your opinion.


That is good, is not good have advantage of any type. Liike load times or better preloads.

Ontario, Canada

So Is this going to happen? I think ill wait on trying to improve any of my runs until after i see the revised Leaderboards.


already working on it

Soulslayer434 likes this

i mean, it might take a bit longer than i thought, expect to see changes around 14th january. might be faster if i'll reach salamander for help.

Ontario, Canada

Would it help if I did my own runs in IGT and let you know?


Yeah, would be nice, because i didn't touched your runs yet.

Ontario, Canada

ok so 99 Minus End Time for each round right?

Edit: also do we ignore Barrel minigame?

Edited by the author 6 years ago

We don't ignore minigames, and yes, 99 minus K.O time. Barrel one is just a meme, that you can't skip. For the sake of memes... Barrels must not be excluded.

Ontario, Canada

What is Barrel then? 20 seconds. Because thats the number of barrels and not the time right?


For Barrels i took the timer (the moment when the game allows you to do somthing) and stopped it the moment Hugo(or the NPC) started one of his animations. Subtract the rest and it should be relatively accurate.

I wish i got some knowledge about autosplitters, we might be in a huge need later on.

Ontario, Canada

Well I dont got exact accuracy then, it seems to be 43-44secs each time. Maybe it would be a little longer if you miss final few barrels.



I mean, the problem of manual re-timings like the ones i'm trying to do is some sort of inconsistency. You'll always be 1-3 seconds behind or ahead of the run.

But as i said earlier(i think i did), the change might bring console players back.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

well these are 4 of my 8 runs. (R1=Round 1, R2=Round 2, T=Total of Both Rounds) Easiest Fight 1: R1-7 R2-5 T-12 Fight 2: R1-6 R2-6 T-12 Fight 3: R1-7 R2-9 T-16 Bonus 1: T-21 Fight 4: R1-8 R2-8 T-16 Fight 5: R1-7 R2-7 T-14 Bonus 2: T-43? Fight 6: R1-12 R2-7 T-19 Fight 7: R1-7 R2-11 T-18 Fight 8: R1-8 R2-13 T-21 Total IGT - 192sec/3:12

Very Easy Fight 1: R1-6 R2-6 T-12 Fight 2: R1-8 R2-9 T-17 Fight 3: R1-6 R2-9 T-15 Bonus 1: T-22 Fight 4: R1-9 R2-9 T-18 Fight 5: R1-8 R2-11 T-19 Bonus 2: T-43? Fight 6: R1-11 R2-13 T-24 Fight 7: R1-12 R2-31 T-43 Fight 8: R1-8 R2-33 T-41 Total IGT - 254sec/4:14

Easy Fight 1: R1-8 R2-6 T-14 Fight 2: R1-9 R2-11 T-20 Fight 3: R1-14 R2-6 T-20 Bonus 1: T-26 Fight 4: R1-7 R2-8 T-15 Fight 5: R1-7 R2-7 T-14 Bonus 2: T-43? Fight 6: R1-12 R2-10 T-22 Fight 7: R1-23 R2-24 T-47 Fight 8: R1-12 R2-46 T-58 Total IGT - 279sec/4:39

Medium Fight 1: R1-8 R2-8 T-16 Fight 2: R1-12 R2-10 T-22 Fight 3: R1-12 R2-39 T-51 Bonus 1: T-23 Fight 4: R1-8 R2-7 T-15 Fight 5: R1-37 R2-29 T-66 Bonus 2: T-44? Fight 6: R1-22 R2-20 T-42 Fight 7: R1-11 R2-8 T-19 Fight 8: R1-20 R2-29 T-49 Total IGT - 347sec/5:47

Only thing that might need retiming is Barrel minigames.


It's done.

Note #1 - Might be +/-1 or 2 second inconsistency, thanks to the Barrel mini-game. Note #2 - We need autosplitter to make my life less miserable. ex dee.

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