we should allow keyboard for onehand
1 year ago
Colorado, USA

I disagree and think that key bindings DO matter. I think a key bind setup similar to the following would be much less awkward and feels more natural than what's done with an NES controller (granted I do not play on emulator).

Z = B (run) X = Left C = Down V = Right Spacebar = A (jump)

Additionally, this is a CE category, they're not really meant to be taken that seriously.

LucasWiese6, Nebula_Composer and 9 others like this
Saarland, Germany

seriously this time, i also disagree. you can make keybinds that would be way way easier and more natural than an nes controller, and well its a category extension, shouldnt be taken that seriously.

LDAMAN likes this
Basque Country

yea it definitely would be unfair to allow keyboard in that aspect lol as well as you play any game of keyboard + mouse, you could just use the keyboard with left hand with wasd for movement, run with shift/control and jump with spacebar, as another example i guess most of the people would rather play normaly with 2 hands, but is by far not as bad in any case, we could discuss adding as posibility very other specific controllers that you can adquire nowadays (ex.: ps4 controller maybe?), but yea is hard to compare

also please someone make a joke related to the last section of his argument lol (just plastic pieces conected by electric wires)

fundamentally dogs and humans are the same, afaik they're just flesh connected with nerves and veins so like, we should add a category for dogs

@KilleDragon your wish is granted, long live jambi

Basque Country

lmaooo well i mean, dogs are tecnicaly allowed to play the normal category XD

Kalaphant likes this
British Columbia, Canada

If I were to agree to this, I would say that runners can use the arrow keys for D-Pad, Num 0 for B, Num Del for A, and whatever keys the runner wants to use for Start and Select.

Edit: @ThaAwesome and @LDAMAN, I was trying to get the feel of a controller grip on keyboard.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
New South Wales, Australia

Can’t you just put controller and keyboard on separate leaderboards or nah?

United States

@TheNoSwearGuy what if you dont have numpads? Also that grip you’re describing is definitely an advantage

@ThaAwesome thats his point

Kalaphant likes this
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Just wanted to announce a new change to timing methods for both 11x categories. The new timing standards are as follows:

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  • Timing ends on grabbing the axe on the 11th run.
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