Security Center New Strat
8 years ago
Bourgogne, France

Looking at some of the Top 10 latests submitted runs, I've seen a somewhat considerable struggle on this part : people where usually waiting to be safe and avoid getting shot by the brute, so I wondered if you could jump just high enough to shoot a TP but low enough to drop back down before the brute's shot hit you. Without any surprise, it worked. But it felt faster, like really faster, so I decided to time it and compare it to the old strat (but the risky variation of the old strat).

Here's what I got : on average, you're about 1s faster with the new strat, whatever variation you use.

rezoons, Chrisjahim and 3 others like this

Nice! Yeah I had been messing around with this but hadn't thought to do that little teleport above the savepoint, that'd buy the path I was using the time it'd need to go right the way I've been attempting without having to sit while the brute shoots.

I came to the same conclusion of around 1 second of time saved and a much less risky path.

Bourgogne, France

Forgot to mention that the time I displayed was RTA and not IGT, but I doubt it makes a huge difference on the final result.

PrettzL likes this

This is interesting. I always assumed a well executed version of jumping over the brute's shot would be the fastest. However my timing shows that even with my best attempt I couldn't beat a good execution of your new strat. It was closer than a sec though because if you jump the small platforms quickly you don't have to move right at all to avoid the brute's shot (it was about 0.3s slower by my timing). However in a usual run you won't jump the platforms optimally so you will have to move a little to the right or risk dying.

Thanks for sharing. I will probably switch my runs to using your variation 2.

PrettzL and Timbouton like this
Bretagne, France

Very nice! You were really thorough in analyzing the different strats and it really payed off. I never would have thought that this alternate version of the strat would be 1 second faster. For now, i'm still unsure about wether or not i will implement this strat in my run yet. I still have trouble making correctly the jump under the brute's shot. Jumping too low is not a big deal but jumping too high causes instant death. Until i get better at it the risk/reward is not in my favour. I'll train a little bit and hopefully i'll get better at it.

Also, while trying your various strats i think i managed to get another one that is slightly faster:

It's way more risky though, especially for 2-heart runs. I timed it at 8.9s (real time) between the moment i enter the security room until the death warp.

Timbouton and PrettzL like this
Bourgogne, France

I've been thinking of a death wrap for a long time, but never thought of it that way. Nice discovery. ;)

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