Resources for RNG Manip
7 years ago

Hey, I was wondering if there are any resources available for the RNG manipulation as it stands. Not having to start from square 1 in an emulator would make picking this game up much easier. :)

Michigan, USA

afaik no one has made a step by step guide but here are a few things that might be helpful.

Original proof of concept video The last few pages of the SDA thread.

good luck :)

Pennsylvania, USA

Are there updated notes for this category? I was thinking of possibly trying to learn to run it, but I've noticed that the information provided here seems to be outdated at points compared to the strats being used in the WR. I'm sure I could probably at least piece parts of it together just by watching the most recent runs and comparing what's being done to these notes, but I just figured I'd ask in case the route is already available somewhere in a written form.