Portal Demo Timer
6 years ago
French Southern Territories

After discussing a bit with Yalter about his sv_cheats 1 run : It appeared that he couldn't manage to get 0 millisecond on e02 but instead, was getting .015 everytime. What? Yalter not being able to do such things? It must be impossible then. At first, I looked at SourceSplit and realized the command to input the end would probably be "ent_fire playerproxy suppresscrosshair". But then I realized Yalter timed with Demo Timer and surprisingly, it wasn't using playerproxy input, but something else. So I checked every inputs of the relay to trigger the end. The input "startneurotoxins 99999" works. But it gives 0.015 everytime. https://i.imgur.com/A7PrcZn.png So the condition is to EXACTLY trigger startneurotoxins 99999, but then adds 0.015 for whatever reason. startneurotoxins isn't related to anything in Hammer, it's just a cvar, so why is it a game end condition? It says "Crosshair Disappear", but it didn't. It's true that the commands for crosshair disappearance and startneurotoxins are triggered in game by the same ent_relay, but it adds extra 0.015 secs for nothing. So, maybe it's insignificant, but I think all runs timed with Portal Demo Timer should remove 0.015 seconds due to the Demo Timer inaccuracy and thus making Yalter's run a 0 sec 0 millisec run.

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Starting now and currently being grandfathered, all console runs will be manually retimed with load times removed. This process will be redone by the verification team anyway, so don't worry about doing it yourself when submitting. Massive shoutouts to Tactix1 for doing this basically single handedl

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