1.1 categories
3 years ago
Texas, USA

With 1.1 coming out, and it being pretty different from 1.0 is it possible to get some 1.1 categories spun up?

I know people have already started doing Any%, All Ducks, All Ducks No OoB (which could possibly just be the same as All Ducks?).

Game has seen a lot more attention recently.

Moniker1717, AaronTruitt and 2 others like this
Kentucky, USA

Yes, please. There's so much activity on 1.1 right now. Especially since it's been officially released!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Utah, USA

I agree. If mods are needed, I volunteer as tribute! 1.1 needs at least an any% and all ducks. OoB wouldn't be necessary, as there are no OoB on 1.1 that have been found. We could do a reverse duck order category, or some other duck orders, too, if it gains enough attention. Let's spread the Bobl love!!

ItsAlti and xklownx like this
Ohio, USA

Personally I would love to see the 2 categories for NESdev maintained while 2 new categories for 1.1 are started. The 4 runs are all different enough (I prefer any% NEsdev & all ducks v1.1). I know people are also doing "popless attempts" (which involve a Scrooge exit + no death warps) which could be a misc. deathless category of sorts.

Moniker1717, ItsAlti and 2 others like this
South Carolina, USA

This is making a lot more sense! I JUST started playing yesterday (on 1.1), and I've been trying to clip into the wall for the past 20-25 minutes after watching some of your speedruns... Glad it is not my lack of skill and just my lack of checking the forum here. I'm having a blast (or, as some would say, a fun time)!

Moniker1717 and ItsAlti like this
Toronto, ON, Canada

Woohoo! New Categories are up!

Moniker1717 likes this
Utah, USA

WOOT WOOT! Runs submitted to both categories. :)

Ohio, USA

Thank you for the new categories ✌🏼

40wattrange likes this
California, USA

What if there was all bells rung?

Kentucky, USA

Huh. I've not thought of all bells rung. I have thought of v1.1 All Ducks: Popless. I've even got a run to submit in that category.

California, USA

popless sounds interesting.

California, USA

would glitchless be a interesting category for 1.0? seeing how the game is busted.

Kentucky, USA

I don't really think a glitchless NESDev run is different enough from v1.1 runs to merit its own category. As it stands, 1.1 basically is the glitchless run.

California, USA

I guess so.

Utah, USA

Would popless get traction from anybody but Alti? I might run it a time or twelve, but I want to see if it would even be a category people want to do.

California, USA

looks like popless is a thing now, very cool

Utah, USA

Sure is! I added the categories and we've got a couple of new runs. :) I may even try my hand at it to see what I can do.

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v1.2 is live!

You can pick up the new version, which changes things a bit, at

Now you can climb waterfalls, and there's some really nifty adds like a ghost so you can race against your past run.

New category has been added because the latest version is slower--the screen t

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