Escalation category?
3 years ago
Czech Republic

I think it would be nice to create an escaletian category. I know theres too much of them, but it could be nice to expand to this side of the game.

Ancient_Shovel likes this
United States

You answered your own question, there are way too many escalations to be added here. Will not be doing so.

Hertfordshire, England

I have all my escalation times stored on a spreadsheet, if more people show interest I may open it out into a scores page

Comichimera likes this
United Kingdom

I'd be interested in that, is your escalations spreadsheet of all of the games or just Hitman 3?

Hertfordshire, England

It features all the escalations available in Hitman 2 and 3. However, for now I am only tacking any% runs since SA already has the IO official leaderboard

Comichimera likes this
Hertfordshire, England

Here is the sheet for the time being. It’s a bit messy but if anyone wants to do runs I can add a tab for a times page

Comichimera likes this

Is it possible with story missions?

United States

The story missions as I understand (aka the campaign) are already listed on the leaderboard as individual levels, and there are campaigns for the main story in full game section of leaderboard.

I also do not know what this has to do with escalations, or why you feel the need to bump old threads.

iamrdil likes this
New York, USA

Escalations now have their own game: - locking this thread.

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