Is a script for changing the game bindings allowed?
10 months ago

Well, i'm just planning on starting to make runs of this game. But i have a little doubt about replacing the game original commands/bindings. I rather playing on KBM, but the game original controls just suck's! So i made myself a personalized script with AUTOHOTKEY that changes a few commands to make the run a little bit more confortable.

The commands i changed was basically:

Using "f" key as "ESC", so i can skip the game cutscenes.

Using "a" as "x" and "d" as "c", because in some parts of the game like in the first chapter we have the rock quick-time events and the commands you need to do in this part can be "LMB+RMB" or "x+c". But sometimes this quick-time events happens in mid-battle, like in the verdugo's, krauser's or U-3's parts. And changing your finger's that was in the "w,a,s,d" for walking to "x" and "c" it's just dumb and sometimes can even mess your run up. So i changed that commands too, because that way i can pass the quick-time event's with "a" and "d", wich is already the keys i keep my hand on for walking.

And also i made a few change's trying to make the attache case organization easier. The game originally uses "BACKSPACE" for selecting the items and "PgUp" and "PgDn" for flipping them on the case. So i did:

"Up" as "Backspace"

"Left" as "PgUp"

"Right" as "PgDn"

That's it, i hope i'm not bothering y'all with something you already explained, but i swear i've looked for rules involving this and i couldn't find anything!

Also, sorry for any english mistakes, it is not my natural language.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
  • Modifying input.ini: ALLOWED ✅ with the exception of binding things to scrollwheel. (scrolling for merchants and/or for rifle aiming is allowed as it is the game's default behavior.
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