Ayo! New Discord.
2 years ago
Colorado, USA

I know this community has been through lots of changes overtime, but we plan on being here a long while. That being said, we have created a new Discord server and plan on keeping it as active as possible. We want to give you guys better updates than just through the forum, easier support, and advice on how to better your runs.

The Discord is currently a work in progress as I am still getting it setup. We are also still looking for more moderators in the community to help us out. Join the link here: https://discord.gg/DFZQDP65AZ or click the Discord icon on the banner.

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Accepting runs on 1.4+

After the new update released with no fix for the trident, we've decided to move Buffed Trident away from the Category Extensions board, and onto the main boards instead. Runs on the current version may now be submitted here. We are working on a solution to display base equip and other unaffected le

10 months ago
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