Stage Maps + Warpless Route
Stage Maps + Warpless Route
Updated 4 years ago by ZenicReverie

Zipped -

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 - Ghosted rooms are actually in stage 3, but necessary to go through to complete stage 4. Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8

I tried to align the main map as much as possible with the pitfalls from upper stages, but it didn't always work out quite right. Most of them are dead on, while others get slightly askew. In any case, there's rarely a good reason to need them. In any case, that's why all the map images are the same size.

Hidden blocks are ghosted in the rooms I found them. Some mysteries exist still, like the rooms in stage 2 and 3 that I wasn't able to find an entrance to, yet they appear in the computer map (also with no entrance), and also the teleporter destination that in stage 4 that's never used. Of course, given the game has rooms that don't exist in the map it might be safe to say some of the design changed while the maps weren't update to reflect that.

The only bit of interesting routing is probably where to pick up the particle disruptor necessary for stage 4. There's one available on each stage leading to the room it's needed in, but they're all about 8 room transitions away. Stage 1 is the safest, but like Stage 3 there's some waiting for platforms. Stage 2 is 10 rooms to navigate, but most of them are short. Stage 4 has a risky jump, but might be the quickest.

Stage 5 offers a split route. I find the top route safer while the bottom route has one less room to traverse.

A key is necessary on Stage 6, but the key available on that stage is the easiest to get along the path.

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