Instead of making a thread about each little thing I find, i've made a playlist with various strats:
I will update this rather than constantly making threads.
I'm so glad that there is a way to make the run more interesting and more challenging! Thank you person from the internet.
I don't know if it saves time but i found a way to trigger it in Cave of Harmony too. I'll post a video once i find a consistent setup.
Great! It would definitely save time! You can also do it in the vault.
I've also found an archives skip and sanctuary out of bounds which save about 4 minutes total. I'll link them today.
Got a 41min pb atm but it was a bit sloppy, my sum of best is at 37 minutes. Going to try for the sub 40 then submit.
Can it really go that low? Do i lose a lot of time to loads or are there more optimal strats? GG on the 37!
Edit: Just compared to your previous PB, I lose about 20s on the first load alone.
Here's my attempt at Cave of Harmony Flymode Trigger:
And yeah , I lost a lot of time while entering the Archives, my monastery was a slow strat, no OOB. About the strats its mostly movement practice/optimization and wall jumping, maybe you lose it to loading times we would need to time the difference.
Great strat :D And yeah judging by those splits, Sub 30 should be possible. Each temple is roughly 2-3 minutes with OOB strats. Thats really hype, i'm looking forward to a run with the OOBs :)
I timed a couple of loads, the time difference seems to be about ~20s. Over all the loads in the run, console loses 3-5 minutes (im sure some of them have a much smaller difference, hence the big range)
Have you found any consistency with fly mode triggering btw? i find it pretty difficult and inconsistent/
Not really. This trigger is like a one or two shot thing, if you miss it just keep going really or reset .
I tried to find a flymode for the start, but it seems impossible because transform isnt enabled yet. Could be wrong though.
The thing that confuses me is that I don't really understand when the flymode activates. As far as I can see, it happens if you hit a corner (and obviously jump again) once Auk is in her second falling animation (from feet down to head down), but if your head is below your feet, it's too late. But is this right or have I missed something, because there are few other points you could get this but it never triggered the flymode for me.
Heres my thoughts:
The game always keeps track of the floor shes on and adjusts air movement accordingly.
When you jump, you have to be above the lowest point, then on the descent when she enters free fall, pass over higher geometry back onto lower geometry. I also found curving, growing sharper as you curve, helpful.