Discord and Races.
8 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Was thinking, one of my favourite things about another speedrunning community I'm apart of was how close we got as friend. I was thinking of starting a discord and getting us in there, we could talk Abzu and whatnot.

Another favourite thing in that group was the races. They did weekly races. Now I don't know if thats possible with everyones schedule but I would love to get some races going sometime!


California, USA

How's it going guys. Discord and races sound like a good idea. Would love to grow the community and get some more people interested in running this game.

Grier: I saw your black suit glitchless beat me by milliseconds -_- gonna have to run the category again and take it back!

Azama: I'm coming for your blue suit any% WR. Hoping for sub 25.

Ontario, Canada

Lol yea I was pretty cheesed I only beat you by a few milleseconds xD

Victoria, Australia

Hi, wondering if i could get a link to the discord, I'm interested in trying to run the game but I'm new to speedruns and wanna see if i could get some help.

Ontario, Canada

https://discord.gg/7hPVP Try that buddy. And welcome! This is a super fun and casual game to run.

K0TE likes this

Please make a SpeedRun tutorial for this game plz with all skip etc

California, USA

Hey Mezd,

Are you trying to learn Glitched Any% or Glitchless? I could make a video explaining the skips; just let me know what category you're working on.

Feel free to join the Discord and we can talk more there.


Hey, both of the links above expired, could you maybe post a new one? I've been speedrunning a different game for a while and wanted to try something new :)

California, USA

Here you go https://discord.gg/cJ5sFJX

There's no one currently running the game at the moment, but feel free to message me on Discord if you have questions about the run.

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