Rules for runs yet too be done?
5 months ago
United Kingdom

I plan to try do a lockerless speedrun somewhen and submit it but cant find the discord despite searching for a bit so I'm asking here. If I were to try to do a run for lockerless I would just like to question some rules such as would the 1 hour limit still apply? As even if its a speedrun can still take quite a lot longer depending on how its done similarly with the run ending at when your screen blacks out at the submarine as you get the badge just as you exit the ridge. Otherwise I cant think of anything that could affect the speedrun from the top of my head.

London, England

Me when I can’t find the discord button that’s underneath the game name:

And yeah we are submitting the CE (which will have lockerless runs). Once it gets added, there will be rules for lockerless speedruns, etc.

United Kingdom

That ones invalid is the problem which is why I cant join and ty for the info :D

London, England

Oh ok, it should be fixed now.

United Kingdom

Still says the invites invalid for some reason


fix ur discord


Are you also banned by any chance? That might be the reason why it isn't working

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