quick heads up about the trenchbleeders
5 months ago

so from what I've heard and seen, the trench bleeders have been currently removed due to a bug fix with their hitboxes being incredibly wacky, so in my honest opinion I would say its probably a decent idea to start running without the fear of trench bleeders completely killing the pace of your run. just wanted to give a heads up to anyone who didnt know

Anormal likes this
North Carolina, USA

they are the biggest threat to your run


they are the literal worst thing that can ever happen in your run brah, asides from heavy containment. words cannot physically describe how much i hate heavy containment


update: apparently they were temp removed because the doors would softlock players? (i dunno im getting this info from the offical discord server which is filled with toddlers.)

Edited by the author 5 months ago

Have they been removed since the Friendly Fire Update? Because I think I encountered it once and never seen it again. Also what are heavy containment??


heavy containment is a incredibly agonizingly long area you can get pretty commonly that will KILL the pace of your runs almost as hard as trench bleeders do, its usually just 4 way rooms with an overabundance of anomaly rooms that usually don't serve a purpose unless you need documents. the doors take like 10 seconds to open but open from a far distance away, there's no good people but it takes stupidly long to get thru it. like 2 or 3 mins tops

Edited by the author 5 months ago
FireRuin likes this
Washington, USA

I got a run with heavy containment and pandemonium and it was mid 26 pace (sns)


really? maybe im just bad at the game then. idk doe i swear heavy genuinely always takes FOREVER for me

Washington, USA

ok i lied i got pandemonium but i didn't get minigame, also yeah i died in ridge to turret 💀

United Kingdom

I had heavy cont happen to me was at door 91 at 16 mins and 11 seconds, could have been a good chance at no.1 as i managed to get chain in ridge

Edited by the author 5 months ago

i miss the trenchbleeder section being temporarily removed. it was such a speedrun haven back then.

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