Floor Clipping OOB
6 months ago
Oregon, USA

I'll have to record audio a bit later but so far I found you can bind crouch to a scroll wheel and clip through a lot of floors using it.

I managed to get the Arc Doc even on a fresh save this way.

You can also clip under the floor to warp to your vehicle basically anywhere in the world, I don't quite know what makes a surface prime for clipping, at the start of the game I can clip on a sharp slope.

I also found a lot of poles, walls or slight debris will help you clip.

Edited by the author 6 months ago
Wisconsin, USA

Nice find! It seems like you need something that you can get stuck on to successfully clip through the floor. The warp-to-car behavior is something I didn't expect, but it makes sense if the devs did that so if a player accidentally clipped through the floor it doesn't just softlock the game.

I'm still trying to find some sort of on-foot speed tech, so far haven't found anything except it seems like you go slightly faster by jumping, but there's a slight timing to it - after you land, you have like two steps where it looks like you go a little faster but I'm not sure if this is real speed or just camera trickery.

Oregon, USA

Yeah I was trying to test b hopping with macros just to see if there was anything there but I got distracted when I clipped through the floor.

It seems that crouching may cancel height?

And when landing it is hard to tell if it's a camera bob or player movement

Edit: I just tested in a 1 minute sprint only stretch and I didn't manage to save time with any strat, I tried Bhops, Bhop with early crouch, Bhop with strafe and always crouch bhop.

All ended up being the same speed

Edited by the author 6 months ago
Wisconsin, USA

It seems that crouching may cancel height?

It does seem that way. At the very least it sends you downward faster when you crouch-spam. I noticed when clipping through the floor, if I unlocked my mousewheel and gave it a hard spin I would fall faster than if I didn't.

I was doing some other experimentation with floor clipping, too. I was having trouble re-creating your method of grabbing the Arc Doc so I was looking for other ways and managed to get through the roof of the shop above the room where the Arc Doc is by using a door and a bumper, arranged in a sort of a wedge. If you arrange them in a way to sort of 'funnel' you downward, you can clip through.

Unfortunately you can't just get all the way into the room. There is a gap between the roof and the ceiling of the room, and standing on top of the room stops you from going further. While you're in this space you cannot jump or crouch. I'll try and grab a clip after I get off work.

The more important discovery I think is that car parts, and probably other movable objects with physics can affect how you clip.

Oregon, USA

Oh wow I never thought about car parts, I got on that room a few times using the edge of the roof but I can see a lot more possibilities now.

With your car part idea I think we can get the hand break early as well during the shop tutorial.

I'll have to record a video on the arc doc, there were a few adjustments that are not visible and I had other setups that don't require a save/reload.

What does a save reload do on top of the arc doc room?

Colorado, USA

How would one do this with a controller, is it only possible with a mouse?

Wisconsin, USA

How would one do this with a controller, is it only possible with a mouse?

It might be possible with a controller and REALLY fast hands if you go into the options and set Crouch to hold instead of toggle.

By default, the options are set so that crouch, sprint, and zoom are toggles on controller and hold on kb/m but you can change each to hold for both, kb/m only, controller only (default), or none.

What does a save reload do on top of the arc doc room?

I'll have to check this.

I did find a way to grab the Arc Doc, though! If you get on top of the Arc Doc room, there's a little closet on the wall facing the room with the Fabricator. The floor of this closet is fake, you will fall straight through. BUT if you airstrafe back toward the Arc Doc room after falling off the top of it, you can land on a small ledge. From there, by using jump and crouch (DON'T spam crouch) you can headbug through the wall enough to grab the Arc Doc. The Arc Doc is NOT set to hands-only, and if you clear the top section of your backpack you can just tap E to pick it up to your inventory. Once you get it, you can simply fall down OOB to warp back to the car and avoid a save/load.

Wisconsin, USA

Also, later today I'll be continuing experiments with tires to see if I can do anything interesting. It's common knowledge that circles are the devil's geometry, after all.

Oregon, USA

VisNyliss likes this

Great finds! Does getting the Arc Doc early provide any bonuses? I completely missed in my casual route what it actually changed (unless it's just story progression).

Does this allow us to skip further into the story by bypassing previous missions or do we still need to do all the usual missions leading up to this point?

Oregon, USA

Thanks! The Arc Doc allows you to heal the player at the cost of car battery.

I haven't gotten far in routing yet but my hope is to collect it when there is unskippable dialogue(Arc Device speach) so its not much of a time loss. I think for the future quest line it would just skip the need to pick it up and equip it but the heal on demand is nice.

The handbreak can also be obtained right when the quest step gets to the cardboard boxes so you can get it when she does the Arc Device speech as well, I'll have to record my clip setup for that.

Edited by the author 6 months ago
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