Complete Speedrunning Guide
Complete Speedrunning Guide
Updated 5 months ago by Play4Fun

Speedrunning Guide: Magicraft Any% (Nightmare Difficulty)

Welcome to the Magicraft speedrunning guide for the Any% category on Nightmare difficulty. In this guide, we'll explore optimal strategies and routes to complete the game quickly and efficiently. Magicraft is an action-adventure game featuring four worlds, each with unique challenges, mini-bosses, and a formidable end-boss waiting.

Game Overview

Magicraft is a unique game where players explore, discover, and combine spells to overcome challenges and defeat powerful bosses across its enchanting worlds. As a speedrunner, your goal is to master the art of spellcasting and complete the game as swiftly as possible through optimized routes and strategies.

Category and Objectives

  • Category: Any%
  • Difficulty: Nightmare
  • Objective: Complete the game by defeating the world 4 endboss.

Key Features of Magicraft:

  • Combining Spells: Explore diverse and challenging environments, each with its own set of obstacles and enemies.
  • Mini-Bosses: Confront mini-bosses within each world to progress towards the final showdown.
  • World Bosses: Face off against formidable world bosses at the end of each world.
  • Difficulty Levels: Choose between Normal, Hard, and Nightmare difficulties, each offering increased challenges and rewards.

Guide Contents

This guide will provide comprehensive strategies and techniques tailored for an optimal speedrun of Magicraft on Nightmare difficulty. We'll cover:

  • Work proofen spell combinations.
  • Efficient routing through each world and boss encounter.
  • Tips for minimizing time spent on rooms and maximizing speed.

Whether you're new to speedrunning or seeking to improve your time, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle Magicraft's Any% category on Nightmare difficulty.

Let's embark on this exciting journey through the enchanting realms of Magicraft!

Possible Spell Combinations:

Pillars of Light with Umbilical Cord.

Why Choose the Magician's Outfit for the Pillars of Light with Umbilical Cord?

  1. Magician's Robe Relic: The Magician's Outfit provides access to the Magician's Robe relic. This relic enhances spellcasting effectiveness, with its high range and "orbit" following it which is crucial for optimizing combat efficiency and speed during a speedrun.

To achieve fast completion times in Magicraft Nightmare Mode using the Magician's Outfit, follow these core ideas:

  1. Spell Banning in Room 1-1:
  2. Ban all Epic Spells except "Pyro Core" to not get any other Epic SpellsPyro Core is needed for the fast clear rate because of the burn in early game.Ban all rare spells except "Mimic Cube" and "Multi-Shot" to streamline spell diversity.Use Mimic Cube to duplicate Umbilical Cord spells for enhanced synergy and combat effectiveness.

This are the standard 5 Spells I have banned I ban them specificly because you would need to scroll to ban them

This is how my banlist normally looks like

  1. Early Spell Room Acquisition (Room 1-2):

    • Aim to find a Spell Room in Room 1-2 to acquire critical spells for the speedrun build.
    • Priority spells to acquire:
      • Pyro Core: Enhances damage output and burn dmg instant kills alot of enemies in "World 1".
  2. Core Spell Acquisition:

    • Focus on obtaining the following essential spells:
      • Orbit: Manipulate spell trajectories for strategic advantage.
      • Umbilical Cord: Establish foundational spell interactions and synergies.
      • Pillars of Light: Create potent damage-dealing pillars for efficient combat
  3. Shops and Workbenches:

An early Shop allows you to aquire key parts of your run

Best Pick-ups in Shop:

Arc of Justice which has an Orbit already implanted and alot of spell slot

If you do not find the core spells pick up any spell duplicate.

  • The spells can be used to create a common Spell+ in an earlier "Workbench" - Room
  • This Spell+ should always be rolled into a Umbilical Cord+

Efficient routing through each world and boss encounter.

  1. Efficient Room Selection:

    • Choose rooms without fights to save time and prioritize spell acquisition and enhancement.
    • Avoid wasting time on unnecessary rolls after acquiring essential spells to maintain momentum and speed just skip through the rooms if you are sure not to improve signifcantly on your build
  2. DMG priority

    • Focus on obtaining Birth Cord spells or other enhanced damage options early in the run. These spells are crucial for achieving fast kill times, especially on World 3-4 enemies.
    • Look for Birth Cord spells in shops or forced spell rooms if other options are limited.
  3. Minimize Time Wasted Rolling Spells:

    • Avoid spending excessive time rerolling spells after initial acquisitions. Efficient spell selection and early optimization are key to achieving faster completion times.

<<<Work in Progress will Update ASAP>>>