Timing with IGT, do not include selecting songs?
1 year ago

Refers to: https://www.speedrun.com/HATSUNE_MIKU_COLORFUL_STAGE/news/0xrrk5xy

It mentioned: "the goal is to achieve a high accuracy of perfect hits while completing the game in approximately 30 to 40 minutes. The competition revolves around maintaining a consistently high level of accuracy throughout this time frame."

I'm not a pro gamer of playing rhythm game. When I saw the timing rule first time, my first thought is that the faster speed of selecting a song has more effects than achieving a high accuracy of perfect. Even a runner could create a new account and only unlock the songs for doing a faster speedrun, it's has more advantages on selecting songs.

I recommend to time with: sum of the songs' time + the time you played in the last song(you might retire). Each song has its own fixed time, we might have a list of them for calculating the IGT. The time of a song is recorded on a wiki page, but it's better to measure each song's time carefully if we hope to have a accurate time with millisecond precision (it needs to be decided when is seen as starting/ending a song in the game).

Otherwise it has more disadvantages if a runner would like to only play their favorite songs or a prepared list of songs, they should spend more time on selecting a song. Also if we measure time with IGT, then we don't need the rule: To start, go from the home screen to the song selection screen, and there, choose the EASY difficulty of the song "Tell Your World." Keep the song display order on default. But they still must provide the full video which is done in a single segment.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

That's correct. I have actually experienced wasting time on song selection and being about a minute late.

I believe your suggestion of using in-game time is the best from a competitive perspective, but I am concerned that it may raise the entry barrier for participation. I find it very cumbersome to record the gameplay screen along with the timer, it's more effort than I'd like.

In that case, how about recommending the use of the 'song playlist' feature? The 'song playlist' feature allows users to select and arrange specific songs as they like. With that, I believe we can resolve this issue by setting the timing for starting the timer to when the 'confirm' button is pressed on the song selection screen.

What are your thoughts on this measure?


Agree with recommending to use a customized song list, I think it is called "楽曲マイリスト"(MY LIST) in Japanes version. With a customized song list, a player could save much time on selecting a song.

Also agree with time starting when the "決定"(confirm) on the song selection screen is clicked at the first time.

I didn't mention about customized song list before, because I didn't see any existing run using that feature. I assumed it is not allowed.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Thank you. I will add these new rules.

KyuQAQ likes this

My thought is changed back again, because the new changed UI in the game. I feel it costs more time on starting play a song and leaving the result UI, and even a new event in the game will cost more time on leaving the result UI. Also the network might be a little delay if they're not living in the corresponding server.

I don't agree with that IGT "may raise the entry barrier for participation". Because the only one thing of a runner should do is providing the full recording video with 20,000 perfects. IGT will be calculate and verified by moderator/verifer.

Edited by the author 11 months ago

I don't want to adopt that proposal. I would like to keep this speedrun as an RTA (Real-Time Attack) because I am considering the possibility of future adoption into RTA events. In Japan, there is a popular RTA event called 'RTA in Japan' that is being held.

However, it's true that with this version change, there is now additional time taken outside of gameplay. Therefore, I propose resolving this by creating separate categories for the previous version and the current version. "I also noticed that the length of character dialogues now affects the timing, but I would like to consider it as a form of randomness."


You could enable IGT and keep RTA on the leaderboard, set the default timer as IGT to rank with IGT.

Here is the example: https://www.speedrun.com/chocobo_racing?h=Story_Mode

You’ve agreed by saying “using in-game time is the best from a competitive perspective”.  And we already found lots of things that affect the RTA, which are not related to perfect accuracy:

  1. The time wastes on selecting a song.
  2. The new changed UI in the game, it needs more time between playing 2 songs.
  3. The dialog pops when unlocking a new event story, or ranking up level.
  4. The network delays when any loading is needed. 
  5. The length of character dialogues now affects the timing.

So I don’t think it is a good reason to refuse IGT just for the adoption into a RTA event.

Also, I think “a form of randomness” only has disadvantages in competing with perfect accuracy.


There was another reason I wanted to keep it as RTA, but I hadn't mentioned it yet. I don't want to give the runners a lot of rest time because then there would be little difference from the regular way of playing. I believe one of the highlights of this RTA is how to achieve optimal performance while playing with the physical and mental fatigue from the previous gameplay still lingering. Therefore, I am not very favorable towards measuring only the gameplay time.

However, I also do not prefer the time to be influenced solely by the internet connection speed and pure luck. Therefore, I want to adopt IGT as the main timer and resolve the issue by excluding the time between the following instances from the recorded time:

  1. Loading time from pressing the play start button for the song until the song's jacket is displayed.

  2. From the display of 'LIVE CLEAR' or similar messages until the song selection screen is displayed.

However, if the song selection screen is not reached within 30 seconds after the display of 'LIVE CLEAR' or similar messages, the record will be considered invalid. (The 30-second limit is an estimate based on my limited experience of playing in situations with poor internet connection, specific to my setup.)

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