Tiny question
4 years ago

Now, i haven't synced My and CedrikLPle's videos to test My theory, but from what ive seen, it seems like his loading times when going out of a level is faster. Does that have to do with the language his console is on, or am i just seeing things? And a question to Cedrik, how do you record the Gamepad sound, when it's not coming from the tv? Is it part of the capture card, or did you use a microphone or something?

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I'm recording the audio using a 3.5mm audio cable from the gamepad to the blue port at my PC and then adding an input in OBS. And I do not think that the loading times are different.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

I see, well, it isnt that much game changing from what i saw, i may check it later, but yeah, congrats on being the new number 1 (at least in 2 categories)

Edited by the author 4 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I do not want to play other categories at this point of time: Too much RNG.


Ok, so i took a comparison between my most recent video of 1:24, and your 1:25 https://viewsync.net/watch?v=L84m0m-2uwU&t=3.3&v=IM03Jbc1ayo&t=0&mode=solo if it works like it should, you should see i didnt compare them 100% synced, and i press Start a tiny bit earlier than you, but the loading is done about 0.5 seconds before it is for me. I'm still confused why that is, but oh well, that just means i may have to just give the crown to you, when there's no more optimization to do

Ontario, Canada

An often overlooked aspect in Wii/WiiU speedrunning is how menuing can be impacted by how inputs are done. In many games on these consoles, it doesn't just count the initial input press of the button when you menu, but also the release of the input to complete the action. This can sometimes allow the benefit of a single, well-timed input over mashing through a menu.

There is also the idea of version differences, language differences, console versions, etc.... All that good stuff.


I may need to practice that if Cedrik beats me again, see if it makes a difference. i usually mash to hopefully get through things fast

Georgia, USA

What versions do you guys play on? Digitally is more than likely faster. I have both so free time save >:)


i have a physical copy, so that may explain it

Edited by the author 4 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Ok, I'll get it back at the weekend.

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