Possible Categories for EVERY game in the series (JD1-JD3)
3 years ago
New Jersey, USA

JD1 Warm-Up: timing starts from the second you start the game from the Wii Menu and ends when you select "warm-up" on the title screen. The fun comes from trying to select it as fast as possible.

Bar% Full Version: Similar to the "All-Star" category. Simply play every song in the game and the score doesn't matter. Must be done via the "Quick Play" option in the main menu. Every version in the version select menu must be "Full Version"

Bar% Short Version: The same thing as the full version except the short version must be selected for all songs.

Bar 100%: the same thing as any% except you must fill the score bar fully on every song. (preferably there are 2 versions for short and full versions).

Regular: This is an umbrella that is most similar to "sweat and playlist" where you get a preselected number of songs which should be sub-categories like 10',20' and 30' are subcategories to sweat and playlist. The subcategories should be 1 automatic short 1 automatic full 1 manual short 1 manual full 3 automatic short 3 automatic long 3 manual short 3 manual long 5 automatic short 5 automatic full 10 automatic short 10 automatic long

explanation: the number is how many songs you'll play which is a selection. whether it says manual or automatic is the option you select right after selecting the number of songs. Whether it says long or short is the version of the songs you must select every time. This 1 is complicated I know but I'm willing to talk to the mods to find a way to clarify it for inexperienced potential runners and to not overwhelm them.

under the "challenge" option there is also a "strike a pose" but this option is overall the same as regular you just have to freeze now and again and it's not really worth running.

The last one standing: in this category, you must "die" as fast (as possible by getting Xs.

The subcategories should be 1 automatic full 1 automatic short 3 automatic full 3 automatic short 5 automatic full 5 automatic short 10 automatic full 10 automatic short

You'll notice there are no manual sub-categories here simply because what would be the point of selecting a song just to end it as fast as possible when the game can do it for you.

Feel free to take a break from reading, I know it's a lot but I'm far from done.

Now finally, JD2:

All-stars short: Play every song on the disc with the score not mattering and with the short version of the song selected each time.

All-stars full: Play every song on the disc with the score not mattering and with the full version of the song selected each time.

5 stars full: Play every song on the disc while also getting 5 stars on the full version of the songs

5 stars short: Play every song on the disc while also getting 5 stars on the short version of each song

Warm-Up: Same thing as in JD1 except now you also have to go to the extras menu to select it

Contest Winners: You go to the extras menu and play the 3 different versions of "When I Grow Up" By The Pussycat Dolls. Possible other names: Famous, When I Grow Up, Triple Threat.

Just Sweat: The same as "sweat and playlist" on JD2015 because when choosing the Just Sweat mode it asks you to select a specific "program"/ number of songs so it should categories with 3 subcategories called: 1 song short 1 song full 3 songs short 3 songs full 6 songs short 6 songs full Timing should be done via real-time as there doesn't seem to be an in-game timer. also again the reason why they are separated by short and full is that you can choose which version of the song to play with the minus (-) button on the Wii mote.

JD Summer Party

All-stars short: Play every song on the disc with the score not mattering and with the short version of the song selected each time.

All-stars full: Play every song on the disc with the score not mattering and with the full version of the song selected each time.

5 stars full: Play every song on the disc while also getting 5 stars on the full version of the songs

5 stars short: Play every song on the disc while also getting 5 stars on the short version of each song

Warm-Up: Same thing as in JD1 except now you also have to go to the extras menu to select it

Just Sweat: The same as "sweat and playlist" on JD2015 because when choosing the Just Sweat mode it asks you to select a specific "program"/ number of songs so it should categories with 3 subcategories called: 1 song short 1 song full 3 songs short 3 songs full 6 songs short 6 songs full Timing should be done via real-time as there doesn't seem to be an in-game timer. also again the reason why they are separated by short and full is that you can choose which version of the song to play with the minus (-) button on the Wii mote.

You'll notice that this is very similar to JD2's suggestion because it is. JD Summer Party is some of JD2's DLC on a disc. so it uses the same engine and thus has very similar modes to JD2.

JD Greatest Hits: I don't have this game and I doubt that I'll be able to emulate it on my crappy laptop so I'll get back to this one but as far as I know the engine is the same as JD3 so it should have similar categories. Take another break here from reading if you need to.


Here's the thing about JD3, The Xbox 360 version has 2 possible difficulty settings on every song wherein the easy mode the Kinect will only track your upper body, and your legs are ignored. I believe that for all the categories that the runner should be forced to do hard mode even though runners on Wii technically only have to move their right hand. It's much easier, too easy, to score highly on easy mode meanwhile the Wii mote isn't perfect at reading movements so it can be harder. This is an effort to keep the versions as similar in difficulty as possible.

All-stars: play every song in the game with the score not being an issue.

5 stars: play every song in the game with the requirement being that you must score 5 stars on every song.

Non-Stop Shuffle: You must turn on sweat mode and you must get at least 100 sweat points and 1 star in every song.

Non-Stop Speed Shuffle: Same rules as non-stop shuffle except you have to choose speed shuffle instead

Collectables: The many separate categories for collectibles is dumb and should all but the 1 player one be removed.

Here's where this goes from simple to complicated with this game because it's never simple.

There should be "Individual-level leaderboards" (like this: https://www.speedrun.com/ssbu/individual_levels) for every individual playlist (specifically in the "playlist section" NOT the specials section) in the game because there are so many with preselected songs. they should all have the option for any% and 5 stars (like how the example I used has them with the options of 0.0,5.5 and 9.9)


Medley solo: You select medley solo and hope you get a set of songs that end quickly.

Medley Dance Crew: You select medley Dance crew and hope you get a set of songs that end quickly.

There's no "just create" category because you only ever do 1 song and that's not fun to run.

Thank you for coming along on this journey with me and I'll try to get to the other games in the series eventually but this was a BITCH to type out so bare with me. Also if I have a spelling and grammatical mistake. YOU try writing this much man. damn.

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