Leaderboards moderation requests thread
9 years ago
Alberta, Canada

Would like to be added as a mod of the cats n fish series if possible https://www.speedrun.com/cnf.

Mod of series not online in about 4 months. and I've had a run pending for two weeks just now. (run is pending in first game, but mods are the same for both games, all at least 3 months inactive)


YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Alberta, Canada

Hello, I would like to request mod status for Reservoir Dogs (https://www.speedrun.com/Reservoir_Dogs), as the current moderator for Reservoir Dogs has been offline for 20 days and I have submitted runs since 19 days ago. The game itself hasn't seen a new run for 9 months. The only social media link on their account is an inactive Twitch account without any other links so I am unable to contact them.


YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Illinois, USA

Please delete https://www.speedrun.com/Totally_Spies , the game has been added to the TS series, and this page still exists. DO NOT delete the one with ts1gba in the url. Thank you!

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

Hi the mod in https://www.speedrun.com/ntg2011 hasn't been active in 11 months. please make something about it.

Thanks :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

@Liv, oh thank you! I don't use a public twitter account, so I wasn't sure if that would actually work, I assumed the message would not be visible. I only knew that DMs do go out from my account okay. I will try that moving forward too. :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 and 6oliath like this
United Kingdom

Hey would I be able to become a mod for Woodle tree adventure, I submitted a WR run about 2 weeks ago but its yet to be approved. I believe the only other guy is inactive. https://www.speedrun.com/Woodle_Tree_Adventure_Deluxe

Thanks. :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

Hey Recently I Saw Mr Blazethecat (Mod from Sonic Fan Games Series) Have not been on for 4 Months in Speedrun.com Check her Info on her's profile: Https://speedrun.com/blazethecat Click info (You guys know that) Also I asked to being replaced to be a Full-Mod In the game series Since She is really Inactive (Blazethecat) I'm Active on Speedrun.com everyday to check runs and more.. I readed My Notifications about the message. -Regards KirbyPlayz

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Minnesota, USA

Hey I am interested in becoming a mod for Everybody's Golf. I am picking up on speedrunning and started with this game, however, the moderator has been inactive for at least a month. I have been checking the site everyday to see if any of my runs were accepted but with the mod being inactive, I don't see runs for the game being reviewed anytime soon. https://www.speedrun.com/Everybodys_Golf

Thank You

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

@Liv. cool, thanks! :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
New Jersey, USA

Hi, I'm kind of in a pickle here.

11 days ago I requested moderator status for me and another runner for the game Ib in zackcat's Twitter DMs. He read them, but never responded. We have also made a thread in the forums about it and asked about it on his YouTube. He has ignored all of these messages, and only comes on to verify runs. While you can argue that he hasn't seen the thread and YouTube posts, I know for a fact he has read the DM I sent him.

I know the wait time is 3 weeks, and we haven't exhausted every method of contact, but me and the other runners are anxious to have a faster verification process and add missing categories (which we have also asked him about days ago and was never given a response).

We can wait if necessary, but as zackcat doesn't actually run the game and doesn't seem to show much care towards the community aspect of this, I feel it'd be better if I or SuperMonkeypotato was added as a moderator, or both. I'm not advocating for his removal, but I would like some moderators added.

Thank you.

Edit: The other moderator I want added is named SMP, not SupeMonkeypotato, my bad.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 and 6oliath like this
Oklahoma, USA

@Liv Pardon the delay. I actually tried to contact one of them myself a while ago and got no response. It seems they log in every month or so. I don't expect a response anytime soon. Although I understand if you'd like to wait. :) Cheers!

If you're wondering why It took so long to send this message, its because I kinda wanted the same thing. I was waiting for a response. Let me know if the others respond.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United Kingdom

@Liv Thanks dude. ^_^

YUMmy_Bacon5 and 6oliath like this

Hey, no moderator 1 month (Edenal) https://www.speedrun.com/battletoads_genesis - do something please(

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

Hi could I be mod for the Extreme Power Pamplona game? The current mod JPeppers900 has not been online in 3 months and has no social media linked. I submitted a run 18 days ago and it has not been approved or rejected. Thanks you

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

@UprightThumbs Just so you know, staff was made aware on the Discord and they're working on it. Might take a little bit, but you're not being ignored :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Ohio, USA

@6oliath thanks, but as of now I have recovered most of the page in terms of what people times were, so if the page isnt recovered then its no big deal

the reason I'm deleting my posts is because I don't like the way I'm wording it. Removing the moderator isn't my biggest problem, I just want the page back up

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 and 6oliath like this
Centre, France


I send runs some days ago on the game 2048 : https://www.speedrun.com/2048_game

And i see that all the mods are inactive ( they are 5 ) but 3 are last connection 1year ago and 1 with 2months ago and one with 17days ( so near to 3weeks ).

I already try to contact all of them ( except 2 because they dont have any social media ).

So i'm asking to be mod, thank you!

Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night !

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
New Jersey, USA

Thanks for the response. I knew it probably wouldn't work but figured I'd try since he's ignored attempts of contact whenever we previously tried. I'll try once more through one other method and see if it works.

Minnesota, USA

Is it possible for you to add me as a mod for Everybody's Golf? https://www.speedrun.com/Everybodys_Golf The reason I ask is because the only moderator for it right now is only active when reached multiple times. I want to work on getting more runs for the game done and want to make sure I am not waiting a while for my runs to be looked over as well as others who play the game as well. I am online every day on this website so I would be able to review everybody's runs for the game. Hope I can join in as a mod. . Thanks.


Hi, I request mod for: https://www.speedrun.com/wizardry_pgotmo The only mod has been inactive for 9 months and doesn't respond on Twitter either.