Leaderboards should be split for before and after the recent knockback/movement update
3 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

The new update really changed a lot of mechanics that are used in speedruns, so can the leaderboards be split for before the new update and after the new update?

NashTheBasher likes this

I think there would be too much categories. Maybe the no kills can be split cuz the nerfing of the eff pick but for all of them to be split nah.

California, USA

i understand why u think that but there would be to many catagories


Hey, unfortunately I do not see enough of a fundamental change to gameplay to warrant a seperate leaderboard for the change in knockback, the game still works very similar to how it was

Manfredi and WaspBrain like this
California, USA

platform based matchmaking tho

Awabbatt47 likes this
New York City, NY, USA

It will be easier for lucky blocks, skywars, and egg wars, but harder for CTF and bridges


Idk about you guys but I think possibly seperate leaderboards for different platforms would be more encouraging and better for the growth of Speedruns. The reason I say this is because mobile players or controller players just can’t match the CPS that PC players get which can get them double hits, the first hit more often and even allows them to fully make use of the 3 block reach since they will more than likely be able to hit an egg as soon as it comes in reach and the exact same with hitting players. I never use a PC to play however constantly play on IOS with a PS4 Controller and I get 5-6 CPS average and 7 if I’m sweating, but my normal click is 7 consistently despite me never using PC ever. Movements such as sprinting while jumping while hitting and looking around at the same time are impossible for mobile players, really awkward or only possible with claw grip for controller and the easiest thing for PC ever! Just splitting the categories into Xbox/PS4, IOS/Android and PC would be a huge improvement because I remember getting demotivated about speed running since I will probably never match the skill of even a decent PC player despite me being really good at controller, and I mean mobile players have like no chance since they can’t jump bridge. This will hopefully give them more motivation to see a number 1 next to their name and give many others a chance whether it be all the mobile players and even a lot of controller players. But just a suggestion :)


@RaisinForABrain Am with you there, however that would take alot of work to be able to split the leaderboards up, this is why when we first made the leaderboard we came up with a solution where you can just name the platform you play on next to your time, so while you are technically not first you can claim to be first in the world on your given platform


Very true and ik it’s hard and it’s just a suggestion. Although you can claim number one like I am in Eggwars Solos Any% right now for IOS, it just doesn’t feel the same so if it could be changed it would be better but it’s not a huge thing for right now

Portland, OR, USA

Even if this were to happen, I completely disagree with this. Unlike actual minecraft speedrunning, or single player game speed running, there is no way to go back to an older update.

What do I mean by this? You can play and speed run minecraft 1.8.9 anytime. But as of now you can not speedrun cubecraft eggwars like it was a year ago. Causing the runs to be frozen in time


Yeah exactly. It sorta makes sense but sorta doesn’t

United States

@RasinForABrain I get 8.5 cps on controller so I match most pc players cps so I’m fine.


That’s fast and not for everyone tho. And mobile players are still at disadvantage. And also what controller because some controllers click faster than others

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