Menu Strats
8 years ago
Illinois, USA

I'm really bad at them, anything will help

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Make sure that you know what buttons to press to perform the next menu. For example after pressing the A button for accessing the minigames, if you wanted to go to i.e. Orbulon, you'd need to press up 4 times and the left button one time, also another time A to enter Orbulon. Just learn these button combinations, so you can pull them off quickly without having to think about it.

Also know when to reset. You'll need to reset (A+B+Start+Select) as soon as the minigame counter goes up after fighting the boss stage. Let's say you beat the Wario 1 Boss, the counter will go from 9 to 10. As soon as the 10 is visible you may reset. If you reset later you lose time, if you reset sooner then Wario 1 will not count (run's over then). Try to get a feeling for getting the perfect resets. Also keep in mind that you need to reset two times to skip all the cutscenes, so you need to take a quick 2nd reset once the title screen is visible. Afterwards press A to get to the main menu, another time A to enter the minigames and then the next button combination I mentioned above.

That's all there is for menuing. The rest is practicing on your execution. Good luck.

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hi! i'd like to detail some recent changes to these boards.

the gba's native framerate is approximately 59.7275 fps. the issue is that a lot of emulators (most notably mgba) use 60 instead of the native framerate by default. while this doesn't sound like that much, this adds up quite a bit, and in

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