Utah, USAmgeldmacher19 days ago

The people who are good with skips would still just blow through the game. I don't think it's a different enough category to warrant a separate leaderboard.

Zanum likes this
Utah, USAmgeldmacher20 days ago

What do you use for displaying your mouse movements?

thread: Cuphead
Utah, USAmgeldmacher2 years ago

Is there a way to see the video of a run for when it was reviewed? I was 1st place in No Major Glitches in the loadless:no category, but someone’s run recently got reviewed that beat mine by 4 minutes. I am super curious how they beat me by so much, but the run doesn’t show the video. It was done about a year ago, but reviewed a couple weeks ago. Am I just going to have to wonder forever how they did it? Haha. :-) (btw, it’s BBAonThePrius’ run for 34m 12s)

EDIT: I guess that run doesn't even show up in the main list because it's obsolete. But it shows up when you filter for loadless:no.

run: Cuphead
Utah, USAmgeldmacher2 years ago

I would love to see the video of this! I want to know how you beat my time in this category by 4 minutes!

thread: Cuphead
Utah, USAmgeldmacher2 years ago

Is it allowed to submit the same run for multiple categories? I noticed, for example, that I think my run under the All Bosses category would be valid for the No Major Glitches category as well. Can I submit my All Bosses run under the No Major Glitches category?

About mgeldmacher
2 years ago
Games run
A Difficult Game About Climbing
Last run 2 years ago