kbeaux7 years ago

Hey I posted this in glitches too, but since this is relevant to the Deep Secrets Puzzle I'll post it here as well. Basically you can skip the first puzzle entirely by grabbing the power cell from underneath the floor.

During Deep Secrets of the Earth when you have to solve the two puzzles you can really easily skip the first one. Instead of opening the first door and going around to get to the power cell, just use the focus to see where the power cell is, and then go under the platform at the far end of the double puzzle room and jump around until you get a pick up prompt. Alloy can just grab the power cell from under the platform at the right spot (didn't seem to be that precise) and move straight on to the second puzzle. Shouldn't be too hard to save 15ish seconds that way.

kbeaux7 years ago

Hey y'all, found a glitch in my casual play through today that should save a few seconds. Don't have a video sadly, but it should be pretty easy to find and recreate (this may be already known but didn't look like any of the top runs use it). Basically you can skip the power cell puzzle during Deep Secrets of the Earth.

During Deep Secrets of the Earth when you have to solve the two puzzles you can really easily skip the first one. Instead of opening the first door and going around to get to the power cell, just use the focus to see where the power cell is, and then go under the platform at the far end of the double puzzle room and jump around until you get a pick up prompt. Alloy can just grab the power cell from under the platform at the right spot (didn't seem to be that precise) and move straight on to the second puzzle. Shouldn't be too hard to save 15ish seconds that way.

Hope this helps! Sorry if it's already known.

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About kbeaux
7 years ago
7 years ago