@Junior300 and @shinobi_hunter run verification for Coop Any% Easy Lucia+Guy in 21:12
Hey everyone, I took the initiative to change the theme of our beloved game a little bit. I put an image for "speedrun.com" with the Player select font, I put the icon so recurrent in the franchise (Yashichi), and I also created an image for the background. If you have any other changes or suggestions, feel free to send them here, thanks and good races to you.
That's the full BG.
I'll try to gif that bg, but just in another time, hope you enjoy the changes.
@PytterVieira and @Zibraws run verification for Coop Any% Expert Guy+Lucia in 21:22
@PytterVieira and @Zibraws run verification for Coop Any% Expert Guy+Lucia in 21:47
@PytterVieira and @Zibraws run verification for Coop Any% Expert Guy+Lucia in 21:56
@Extremezerobr and @frbnash run verification for Coop Any% Expert Lucia+Haggar in 30:59
@yurisalgadin run verification Any% Easy Haggar 18:58 (World Record and Very first sub 20 plus sub 19)
@yurisalgadin run verification Any% Easy Guy 16:59 (World Record and Very first sub 17 ever)
@yurisalgadin run verification Any% Easy Guy 17:10 (World Record)
He just keep doing all the record's break
I think the mod need to most know about the game than actually run the game. The mods need to understand when the run is fair, is cheated or edited. You don't have to run the game to learn about that, but if you wanna moderate and contribute with the community, speedruning the game is an plus. I run Final Fight 3, when i invited to moderate the game i'm impressed how interesting moderate is. But i still won't validade my own runs, i could, but i won't. I submit and wait about other moderators to validate it. I think it's healthy do engage anyone who run/moderate the game.
@Shinobi_Hunter and @koalacwb64 run verification Coop% Expert Guy+Lucia 23:24 (New World Record)
Classy86, i think it won't work as you want... disney classics collection is pc and switch version right? the autosplitter works in snes version only... in tother platforms i need to check how it works to understand how do to the autosplitter, but is a pretty new one autosplitter. =T
I don't know yet... i need to check about the memory, if the entire memory addresses match, it will work same. But i really don't know yet, i'll check it later.