TurkeyWintoll1 year ago

Thanks to all of you so when i start a speedrun at beginning of the game infernus will be despawn right?

TurkeyWintoll1 year ago

i am practicing the bar brawl mission and everything is okay but when i want to despawn the infernus it is not working i am even put the infernus where the explosion took place but my infernus is flyed LOL does anyone know what is the problem btw i am using a saved game maybe this is the problem

thread: Speedrunning
TurkeyWintoll3 years ago

which speedrun is more easy Gta San Andreas or Gta Vice City?(sorry for my bad english

thread: Speedrunning
TurkeyWintoll3 years ago

Hi,for a new speedrunner ı should try Gta San Andreas or Gta Vice city

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About Wintoll
4 years ago
11 months ago