thread: The Site
Illinois, USAQuarnoBlack8 years ago

Again, lack of knowledge in the game and community is the source of all of this. Cyberdemon531 is simply not fit to be a moderator of YGOFM, or any leaderboard for that matter. He does not understand that 50+ people running a game and agreeing not to use hardware manipulation means that it's essentially a rule that must not be broken. Leaving Any% with duping as a miscellaneous category is the obvious fix to this problem seeing as nobody takes it seriously. Honestly this should not even be a discussion seeing as Kollin7, who is a friend of Cyberdemon531 says this is just a joke. This is nothing more than a ploy to create drama for the hell of it because he noticed the loop hole and planned this out. This is very sickening.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and GFC like this
thread: The Site
Illinois, USAQuarnoBlack8 years ago

More drama involving Cyberdemon531? Alright, I'll bite. First off, I know quite a bit about Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories from the most efficient way to A-Tec foes to the drop-rate of Meteor Black Dragon (it's 1 in 1338 by the way). So I know how the community works and why I don't see why Cyberemon531 is fit to be a ruler of the community. First off, he creates drama like this for fun, he is a known cheater in Mega Man X6, and he is fairly irrelevant to the community. He speedruns this game maybe once per month and has bare minimum knowledge in the game. Just because he does a run using hardware manipulation does not mean his time is good or even legitimate. I'm sure if I was to do a run I could easily get sub 2 hours.

Next, I want to talk about why his attacks are completely pointless. The Discord server and r/speedrun is not attached to in any way so there is simply no sense in bringing that up, acting like it has any sort of weight in this argument. "Oh look at me, I want to stir up something, so I'll use hardware manipulation that is obviously not allowed, but because the rules don't say so, I can use it!" This is who we're dealing with. Listen, I've been in quite a few leaderboards that don't have 18 pages of text for every single possible way a person can cheat because the runners understand what is and is not allowed. You're arguments are weak and futile, just give it up, Cyberdemon531.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and GFC like this
thread: Mega Man X6
Illinois, USAQuarnoBlack8 years ago

Hey, I followed this from the Reddit thread yesterday with the pastebin that RetroGamer made. I am aware of the allegations thrust upon Cyberdemon531a. I haven't watched many of his runs or have any knowledge in the game, but the information you have given us is very compelling. Heh, I would be hard-pressed to believe he's not a cheater at this point. It's ridiculous how much recently happened with this drama. I actually took a gander at the video and wasn't able to figure out who Nightmare Mother was or what an ensuizan is, but I saw a point where he seemingly becomes invincible and does the lava dancing you were referring to. I looked at some other points in the run and I think I see that you have to cancel the animation or something to do the glitch, but I understand what you're talking about when you say there is no way he could do it at this spot. Again, I'm not saying I know what I'm talking about, but looking at a few your speedruns and the professional manner in which you presented this, I'm sure you know a hell of a lot more than I when it comes to just speedrunning in general.

Although I am not entirely familiar with MMX6 I can definitely see the points in which freezes and I guess he just brushed it off as "emulator lag". In my opinion, a person shouldn't even be doing speedruns on emulator for this very reason. Let's assume he's innocent; how is he going to get this massive gorilla off his back? There is so much evidence against anything he has posted on Reddit that I just can't bring myself to believe him. Like the pastebin said, this is a breach of a speedrunner's trust. If he's innocent, then he should really try to replicate some of these strange "freezes" on console. It's just so easy to cheat on emulator that I think any run done on it should be banned.

Since I'm not too educated in this game, I took the time to look at the leaderboards. Being a minute ahead of the closest times is just a joke. When I looked at the final splits in the twitch VOD, I saw over 40 seconds saved. Speedruns have been done for this game for years and just out of nowhere he saves 40 seconds? Yeah.... okay. When I looked at the pastebin, RetroGamer also said that he was sick for about a week and couldn't stream before he started streaming again to get this amazing run. I'm just going to assume that this is more of a well-done TAS using RTA strategies than an actual serious speedrun.

Cyberdemon, you're a prominent member on /r/speedrun, but you need to clean up your act.

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About QuarnoBlack
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