thread: Panel de Pon
Virginia, USALifebar1HP9 months ago

Tailss55 this isn't internally true due to the nature of how the US makes living sometimes it's included other times no but he could easily go to a Starbucks or a local library and use the wifi there to prevent that if that was the case let alone he wouldn't do it cause he doesn't have enough time as he's quoted before hand but still states he plays 4 hrs actively a day.

thread: Panel de Pon
Virginia, USALifebar1HP9 months ago

if you watch the video in x0.25 speed you can see that certain buttons also aren't pressed through out the video and on perfect frames he's already ahead of his panel that he wants to move as well which isn't humanly possible i believe around the 40 second mark the 30 second mark the user is intentionally doing left to right movement rapidly faster then a second which isn't possible in the case of moving the star across cause of the rapid movement from back and forth within less then 2 seconds there is also times where he doesn't move from a spefic clear to move 8 lines away this is shown rapidly through out the game which also again you can't preform 8 movement before hard falls around the 2m 04sec mark he is "actively throwing yellow stars" but rapidly has 1-2 frame movements here and goes down to go back up to throw the red heart then immediately throw a green panel frame perfectly for every movement and starts to throw a light blue panel at the top of the right row in less then a second this also isn't humanly possible do to how the nature and the speed of actual humans can be this all happens within 1 second if you want to say you did that legit that's extremely sad. When your looking for panels on 2:06 you should've opted for the light blue panes yet you manage to wait extra frames intentionally to throw the red hearts, and move from the top row to bottom and still move every panel you want before the time again moves a second. this isn't something a Normalize player would do nor would have time for at all I know this from personally playing hard the timing is so tight but if you want to say you can do left to right movement in a frame perfectly through out the game you are going to be seen as a cheater rather you want to or not. also at the end of your run before you even know you have 99,999k your rapidly spamming your L button 9-15times 1-2 frames receptively for the instant clear which goes off frame 1 of the initial clear for when you actually hit 99,999 would have ignored doing that for a second or even held the L button at this spefic time instead of rapid tapping unless you already knew.

Your argument - shows that you want to make a mockery of panel player community since you don't want to do this live when people are asking for the needed proof for you to verified your supposed as for the rest of the Tetris Attack/Panel De Pon players want to see how you can pass this off as a legitimize run which definitely needs to be done. I've been playing this game literally 4 hours a day, every day for the past 20 years -my counter argument to this is how are you going to say this when your still constantly putting out content on your youtube/ and claim you don't have time because of your "child /soon to be wife/husband and getting a new house." more excuses, you keep constantly changing your story.

also key note user also states "your doing Rolling / hyper tapping hybrid" in this said video (this is a false statement cause you'd have to literally hold the controller in a uncomfortable position and to do that effectively would need extreme precision with how this run is submitted would hyper tapping and rolling help in this game absolutely no cause there's way to much error. A-B rolling sure but the other 2 is not something even a high end player uses unless there playing (Tetris). -Side Note your hand would hurt to much from preforming these actions.

Cards debunked the video cause of the amount of TAS is preformed in this video and everyone can clearly see this run is ill legitimate so unless your going to actively stream it then by all means no one should / would believe this run.

The fact you saying your better with touch controls, but you opted to use a controller instead makes little to no sense in this argument touch control videos have way worse gameplay then this sopposed RTA controller runs brings the question if what you say is true or not. I would love to see this 1-2 prefect frame movement's you claim to be preforming here there live but you stating that you can't be bothered and your. I have a set-up to use my drawing tablet to play on Emulator, Which means i don't have to worry about human limit on pressing a button for curser movement.. all I have to do is move my wrist with the pen, a much easier and more fluid movement. As for Ranking only Silver -but this is a controller run not a tablet run so what concrete evidence is this?? lmfao

I will NOT release this tool to the public because of how unfair the game would become". - By this logic you're admitting to cheating.

I didn't "quickly improve" I've been playing this game literally 4 hours a day - saying this after I grinded My category for over 18 months and only had one successful run at the time of 48mins and playing actively in pvp/endless for over 18hrs a day at times you manage to submit a run when you just started ex for like a week and deleted my personal record by 41 mins (being a below avg player who didn't dabble in EX speed at all) I highly doubt and I know this is fake due to the key elements in 11/ex speed and have a minimal of 20-30k points by mins in Time Attack. learning EX wouldn't help you here in these speed runs also due to the fact hard mode uses way more frame data in PDP / TA. if you where playing on 9 speed sure cause it uses hard mode mechanics from panel de pon/ panel attack but you're counter argument would make 0 sense to this as well. saying you have sub times above the top gm players in Time attack in a endless run. (sub 2:15-2:35) when decibel / Yoschi have a 77k / 60k 2 min time attack (sub 3-4min is possible with endless) but 2:15 highly unlikely do to how your fingers would feel and the amount of setup you would take.

I've proven my evidence in this video as fake now I'd like to see your's showing its liget <3

thread: Panel de Pon
Virginia, USALifebar1HP9 months ago

The emulator shows his inputs being transferred into the game but that also can't be verified at least with a camera on hand controller / keyboard you can at least tell if there inputting the same exacte way or not this also shows more evidence then a joystick overlay I use both camera and overlay and do testing for streams so people can see the feed back from my natural controller presses regardless of I have a controller pretending to do the run vs actually doing so since you can match visa versa. This would be the most optimal way the reason he can't submit a run on panel attack is cause they don't allow replays. The easiest way to prefrom this outside of those two oppions is to share desktop display and make sure no background applications for slow downs are running and have live split active as well preventing any accusations but 9/10 people don't want to do that for backlash/ being ridiculed for and nervousness which I can say being nervous during a run is reasonable if your like the top players probly not as much cause they only focus on the game and there skills of improving their times.

thread: Panel de Pon
Virginia, USALifebar1HP9 months ago

He has made claims about his mother about beating world records for countless of other games while we where speed running he would claim to focus better when speed running Luigi's mansion 100% but then also stated that he wanted winner to be based off of score which he still lost by 15milion points due to grinding/ the ability to get good rng on ghosts it took me 3h 8 mins and took him 3hours 46mins to complete this run he complains the game cheated him by auto letting go and claims I played unfair when both our streams where open but I did this on a public stream about last year the vod was deleted by 30 day times which I wish I could show as evidence. If he wants to clear his name I wanna see a public stream with a keyboard or joypad / his touch control system for this run or any other run to back his claims anymore otherwise get a full ban cause it makes the speed run community look like they don't know what there doing and have been doing it for multiple years on end .

thread: Panel de Pon
Virginia, USALifebar1HP9 months ago

Well he claims using ex speed from panel attack helped him get that speed, which ex runs 1.5x hard mode and wouldn't give you a advantage of in PDP cause lvl 9 speed aka (hard speed) (ex speed 11) faster then 9 speed if you attempt and far less frame data but he does this for more then one setting from easy normal and hard but is always using TAS to make his movements smoother if anything he's probly loading the same save state to studie it as well since it would load the same panel patterns (he also can't prove his runs in ex cause his true ex run) ways runs at 500+APM through out a 7 min which this is highly unlucky cause your fingers would get tired and constantly be swapping properly with raising as well but his other pdp runs show the same static movements and the pathing for chains and combos are not ideal for top lvl gameplay which is where the TAS comes in (he also only shows replays for his runs compared to showing any actual gameplay its self) the major points to look at cursor speed is above higher level players is robotic/ to fast even with hyper taping or rolling wouldn't be effective.

As cards stated raising on R or L perfect frames to raise makes zero sense considering you'd get the same effect from hold raising. (the reason I believe he was doing this was so he could effectively read the board and determine the TAS set up he wants considering how fast he's hitting both directionals even on (.25xspeed YouTube video the 25 sec mark up to about 36secs) this is not something a speed running world record player would struggle on unless a input was failed and or hardware issues but would still be easy to fix. I can personally say from my own PDP/TA runs on snex's emulator runs pretty jank at times. On original hardware my buttons sometimes stick so inputs can be lost as well.

But even my hard runs probly take about 30-40mins but I do all my runs recording myself with my game pad showing in my hands the controller / feed back to show in-game input l also live stream the game so people can watch and comment on it at the same time I might respond if I see chat and have my controller be able to be picked up by my microphone so viewers could hear said buttons being pressed. This is the easiest way for my self to show my verified runs / people playing on twitch shows a high creditability to themselves especially being a high lvl player cause you have viewers actually watch you attempt it but you can play a video make it look legit and just boom bam instantly click a hotkey to get live split to go off at the start to make it look like your actually running it as well. And I will say the more people are watching me the more nervous I personally get from speedrunning but I will still attempt to get a good run if not a avg run. I don't know his reasoning but I'm sure it's cause he wants fame and a title slapped on himself to boost his ego?.

thread: Panel de Pon
Virginia, USALifebar1HP9 months ago

(my apologies had the wrong yoshci with Yoshi100_Aus) Yoschi Is a grandmaster yoshi100_aus is gold I got them mixed up my apologies. So many people with silimar names I do mix them up at times.

thread: Panel de Pon
Virginia, USALifebar1HP9 months ago

As someone who has speed ran the 99,999k ex speed run category for "panel attack" 2years and have only had 10 successful runs from 3hrs sloly increasing to ~> 38mins and 40 seconds with major amounts of set ups. But also trying to find chains since I'm blind I can tell this is a TAS run because his movements for finding chains makes no sense. His video of ex true is (the category I run where you start at the given time) people have seen me attempt this in Real Time from the PA community. I Also am the only one with a submitted / verified run on a old user name which I still haven't submitted any other run cause I wasn't happy with my results and I've been playing ex all the time in Vs mode vs the community I'd also like to mention my first speed run with a full completed run which took 2 months to finish was grinded for over 12-18hrs a day and was beating by a person who only played on 6-8 speed magically become a ex master yet couldn't win a match against me I find a 7 min (true ex impossible todo unless your a GM player) <- at the time shippai was silver 10 months ago when submitting a 7 min run for PA Ex this run was also submitted 2 days after my intetional 1h 47 min

The key points is this is shippai - just going by another alias's he uses TAS tools and has stated he's used "Cheat engine" to help build TAS setups.

The other thing i'd like to point out from anyone in. 2min time aka Yoshi_aus_100 A grandmaster player who actively runs TA and some other top speed runners use and locate panels closet to where the chain is going to land this how ever is not using DAS which in order to get from where the current run noted from those videos with how the speed of hard is.

I seen some of his other videos discriptions he claims to have a sub 2m15s to 2m35sec run for ex in PA which truly isn't plausible this run the only person who's ran ex and 99,999 score cap in such minimal time is Yoshi_aus_100 , Myself and Z26. I can verfie Z26's 17mins and xx Seconds from like 1hour and 40 min acutal run times cause of how much he grinds ex like me and we show each others streams. His "true ex run" his APM just gradually stays above 500-600 which is extremely hard to do cause you have to manually find time to make chains which isn't possibly accurate from how he originally played shosoul have verified my run before.

The problem is the inputs shown at 30secs into the video shows him actively hitting left right left left right lift right repeatedly as a robot would with in a small time frame even on .25 secs almost instantly but the cusor moves faster based on specific areas and specific times. But slows down to submit false player intentions of submitting a legitimate run to seem like it's a world record when a normal player doing a hard mode run struggles more due to the speed of hard I still struggle on hard but not as much as ex since I actively play at a faster pace.

The other thing is that as a person who manually has to find combos and z26s gameplay we both actively try to manually and make chains before they actually go off and with high amounts of APM the cursor should be inconsistent. But actively made a RTA - for (7 min ex) and making TAS (1min 37s) runs on ex match the same amount of movement cause making constantly 10-13 chains with no setupis actively impossible on ex and actively raise I have made only a few 12-13 chains my intirity of ex and I grind for a good possible run I've had already 3000 attempts total and over 24,000 ex vs 10 match's for panel attack.

Z26 is a high play player who started playing ex after me and I can see his improvements, and say legit runs my skill rank vary's from copper, to plat. The other parts about those suppose low time runs just don't add up to his original game play, and have been constantly lowering older runs from his other user name "Shippai" and "Rita". But the amount of inconsistence's he throws actively in to make it look like it's legit but it's definitely not from the movement of human reactively acting to the inputs provided in certain points aka TAS. The speed for hard and ex are completely different ball games for timing/frames hover time and normal standard play "inserts are the biggest struggle"

Keynote - This user also actively gets mad if something doesn't go his way in any speed run he does

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