thread: Deadly Premonition
A patch just went live and it appears to fix most of the audio issues.
thread: Deadly Premonition
It runs better than any other version except the horrible audio issue. It seems to be caused by audio tracks overlapping like soundtrack + dialog + soundfx. Sometimes it will cause the game to be completely silent other times only one or two tracks will play. On the plus side reloading a save always seems to fix it, until it happens again at least.
thread: Deadly Premonition
I take it back, it's not the Director's Cut.
thread: Deadly Premonition
Can we get new catagory added for Deadly Premonition Origins. I downloaded and played it for a bit, it seems to be the same as directors cut with a few minor tweaks and way faster load times. I plan on running it once I get a HDMI capture card.
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