thread: Speedrunning
FireNels8 years ago

I imagine that that depends of every communities and rules which they fix. Well I'm going to discuss with each of them. Thanks for your answers. :)

thread: Speedrunning
FireNels8 years ago

What is the opinion of the moderators on this subject ?

thread: Speedrunning
FireNels8 years ago

@battleonfan1 ''If it's an N64 exclusive game''

It's not peculiar to the N64, you can recreate this phenomenon on other systems, with other cartridges but its useful application is not assured for every games. All cartridges will not react in the same way, some modify the sound or/and textures during your play, certain games freeze, others erase your save, and some can break your game or/and your console. All this also depending from the moment where you are in the game when you use ''cartridge tilting''.

@battleonfan1 ''However, if the game is a port (eg. Toy Story 2) then it should be banned.''

For me, a game is a game, no matter if it's a porterage, unless you speak about a unofficial porterage, there maybe.

@Ihavenoname248 ''There might be a misc. category that allows these sorts of things though.''

To add it into misc. category is a good idea, but you do not believe that we could also use it in other categories as in any% for example ?

thread: Speedrunning
FireNels8 years ago

I was on the web when I discovered that we could create glitch by going back up slightly the corner of a cartridge. I thought at once that that could be interesting for the speedrun. For example, I saw that we can skip some passages with this technique in Oot.

That looks like a rom corruption but I think that it's legit because technically we only use the console, the game and the gamepad.

This kind of process seems to be able to be reproduced on emulator, but according to what I understood, the result would not be faithful to the console.

So, what do you think of it ? Could we use that in speedrun ?

If you're interest, if you don't know what is the ''cartridge tilting'' or if you're just curious, please I have this link and video for you :

Have a nice day ! :)

thread: The Site
FireNels8 years ago

¤Challenge accepted¤ :o)

thread: The Site
FireNels8 years ago

Slow ? Did you try it with basic or asm ? With an emulator ? If yes, which one ?

thread: The Site
FireNels8 years ago

mmmmmh... I think that best, at the moment, is to register variables like "Calculator Model" for the calculator model used and "Language" for BASIC, ASM....

As for the games, I saw nice porterages as Super Mario Bros. 3, Zelda, Bomberman... There is well to have interesting games to make a runs for this platform...

thread: The Site
FireNels8 years ago

Wow, yes this is fast !... Thanks.

Could you replace the ''Graphing'' by ''Graphic'' ? ''Graphing Calculator'' it's a little bit too long, do you not believe ?.. What do you think about it ? What you prefer ?

Other than that, I wondered how we could get organized. There are already many different models only for the Texas Instrument... If you are interested, there are many works listed on this site, and not only video games !

PackSciences likes this
thread: The Site
FireNels8 years ago

Graphic Calculator

thread: The Site
FireNels8 years ago

Hi, I would like to be a moderator for the game Freedom Planet. There are some modifications which must be made, the leaderboard and some run are obsolete, others platforms are available... I would like to modify the screen's page and others details.

Link to Freedom Planet page:

I would also like to become moderator for the game Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter to correct certain things, add categories, modify the screen's page and details...

Link to DTL: The Next Chapter:

I don't know if it is necessary to be "Super Mod" to make all this...


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About FireNels
8 years ago
7 years ago