thread: Speedrunning
BestFriend4 years ago

Hey all,

I'm a pretty new speedrunner, starting Megaman last year and recently picking up Bomberman 64. I looked up a lot of advice threads, and I'm sure we've all seen some of the common things. But I have just a couple quick words on advice for morale.

Often times when I'm running and I screw up some difficult (or even simple) tech, I beat myself up with thoughts like "This is hardly even speedrunning anymore". Sometimes the run feels extremely sluggish after a few of these and it's tempting to quit or think you're messing up things that normal runners would not. If this happens, keep this in mind: No matter how sluggish it feels, you are still speedrunning the game! There's no doubt that you're blowing through the game faster than likely 99% of people who have played the game, so even major blips in speedrunning tech do not disqualify that, and what you're doing is awesome.

Lastly, I'm sure we've all heard the advice to watch other peoples' runs. Definitely do this, but do NOT just watch the top 5 or 10 runs! Go down to the top 30s 40s and even 50s. Not only have I discovered slightly-less-quick tech that can get me through a difficult section, but it becomes much clearly that you are further along than you think.

Hope this can help anyone who stumbles upon this!


Daravae, RaggedDan and 7 others like this
thread: Speedrunning
BestFriend5 years ago

Thanks for the great suggestions! Kirby's dreamland hits home for me. As a kid I would finish it in 30 minutes and think I was the fastest player ever lol might go for that for the nostalgia

thread: Speedrunning
BestFriend5 years ago

Hi everyone! A few months ago I made a similar post, asking for recommendations, and I went with Mega Man and it's been awesome so far.

I'm looking to try a new speedrun. Some key details I'm looking for: -Less than 15 minutes for an okay run time -Fun controller inputting, whatever that means to you! I like having to do quick, frame-accurate inputs, or button mashing, but it could be whatever you're thinking of. -Could be action, platformer, adventure, metroidvania, maybe even puzzle? just not like jrpg or something with a lot of standing still.

I think that's about it. I know this is all very general information, so I'm looking forward to the recommendations. Thanks in advance!

thread: Speedrunning
BestFriend6 years ago

Something a bit different from Megaman, still with the parameters i've mentioned, could be exactly what I'm feeling. I've considered Yoshi's story and Bomberman 64 too.

Cursed Castilla might be the one. Ghosts N Goblins was such a brutal game. Kero Blaster, though being a little closer to MM, also looks like a lot of fun. Also, the reaction you're talking about in Broforce is really something I'm looking for in runs. Rayman would be a great style to play but it looks like the runs are pretty lengthy

I'm sure I'll start dropping my "requirements" soon. I don't want to be closed up in my own little box. The only thing that'll probably stay consistent for now is that it has to be under an hour run. If anything else pops into your head, please let me know!

thread: Speedrunning
BestFriend6 years ago

Thanks! These look great, and I'll be checking them out for sure.

thread: Speedrunning
BestFriend6 years ago

Hi Everyone, i just joined because I started my first speedrun project the other day, Megaman! Super pumped for that.

I was wondering if there are games similar to this (other than the other megamans [megamen?]). Something that takes between 20-30 minutes once you get the hang of things, some glitches/skips but not so many that you don't get to play the game. Platformer or collectathon style, but I'm open to other genres, as long as they aren't ran by just knowing the game and when to click what buttons. Some RNG and reaction time skill needed. Okay thats it!

Thanks everyone. I'm happy to be a part of the community now!

About BestFriend
6 years ago
4 years ago