KO Arena
7 months ago
United States

I noticed on the level speedrun when you go to KO arena everyone only submits runs into the any% is there a reason for this I haven’t seen yet?

I know the 100% percent means about the same thing in this case being collect the three star coins so any respectable any% should work for a 100% right correct me if I’m wrong I don’t feel like 100% percent is necessary in KO arenas

United States

I don’t mean to judge the way you run things I’m just curious because I like to run empty categories as an amateur speedrunner I just didn’t know if there was something saying what you preferred runs being submitted to


United States

Ps in my original post I meant to say the 10 flower coins I was raised on new supe

United States

The 100% categories cant be removed due to the way src works and mods will probably put in N/A times where a hundo category isnt applicable

United States

Thanks makes since I forgot about that even though I manage a game but no one plays it so it’s kinda funny


The break time levels are like that too, there isn’t even purple coins

United States

and search parties and rage stage and wigglers

United States

And Operation Poplin Rescue

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"Any% No Major Glitches" - a category update

Hello Wonder runners and viewers! The community has decided to rename the "All Royal Seeds" category to "Any% No Major Glitches".

The main reason is due to the arbitrary nature of "All Royal Seeds", as this name does not imply that world skips are banned. This has confused many new members of the

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