100% Discussion
7 years ago
Ohio, USA

I'm going to try figuring out the numbers myself as well. I'm gonna do another playthrough for this but the total I have off an old save from a few years back doesn't show anything new, It had...

S385 E380 R379 D385

United States

I just want to repost a post I made 10 months ago to make sure you've seen it:

[I got in contact with Stephen Clarke-Willson who was the producer & director of Azurik. He sent me a map from 2001 that tells the total number of gems in each area. http://imgur.com/a/elJ5J

That brings the new total gem count to: S387 E386 R382 D386 = 1541 (That's 5 more gems that MachineDJP missed)

I'm still not one hundred percent sure that this is the final total though because in my playthrough I got S388. So I'm wondering if I'm wrong or something on the map is wrong. Also on the map there are no totals for the Life and Death Realms. So I can only assume I found all the ones in those areas.]

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Ohio, USA

I assume you've done newer runs since, attempting to do 100%, but I thought I'd note it. Thankfully this game features various cheats and has a debug menu to warp around, so it's really easy to warp around and check individual areas.

I'll get to checking individual areas soon.

Your original numbers listed W1 (Beach) has 12 Diamonds, so I assume in that run you missed the 3 underwater in front of the waterfall and underwater push barrier by the exit from W2.

I'm also watching SGDQ currently, so I'm not as focused as I could be at looking for these.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

Yeah your right about those missed diamonds. After getting that chart from the game developer I went back looking and I did miss those diamonds near the waterfall.


Good luck to all. I will soon submit the run ANY% that I managed to shoot, but not to broadcast (Upload takes a little time ^^) In the stove from now on once I have written the post, I would do it using cheat code that will allow me to have all the elements of power, I would not zones zones to have all the gems of the game. Each advance will be available here. the name of the area followed by it's gems:


I would realize a walkthrought once emulator of the game out to be able to propose zones by zones a 100% worthy of the name


Question; you use what to do the view of the level in height ???


You could give me all the levels in a blank for me to note collectibles

A 100% Guide with the images, then the video you will make will be on the first page forward

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I StarterI started the research ;)


For the people who do not know it I took the documents the day before yesterday to start looking for the total collectible of the game.

I play and follow the same route as MachineDJP in which I make comparisons. the document will reveal what MachineDJP will have really harvested, and in another columns a comparison of the gems found more than are let's play


Not Final = The area would be missing gems, or the area has not finished being explored

Final = The final number defines the gems found.

Document : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRXU0L-8io6QC9vxK7lDn1rJfPVHHOF8pKVEBcugj1kMpIytqn0tga5gHobL29IlDr3zL5S0ekbk_Wn/pubhtml


Due to a toothache I was not able to advance research on Azurik, but I did the necaissaire to no longer have trouble with my dentist, and in the afternoon so far is well I continue the research on the let's play machineDJP at the same time as I play to make comparisons

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Hi everybody. Good I notice NO ACTIVITY since 1 YEAR of Speedrun of the game.

I am Azurik Perathia. and i will help you with regards to the gems of the game. Azurik is my favorite game and the list that SillyGoose has obtained through EX Director of the game is unfortunately fake. I'm following the game at 100% right now I think I have finished looking for EVERY GEM or what in a week (lack of time and especially very thorough research to make a first estimate)

Once I finish the game 100%. I would create another backup, but this time I would use my computer to calculate the TOTAL number of gem by levels. I would do some sort of close-up using the Debug camera which will allow you to follow in real time. GIT-HUB research will then be a platform and I will use Issues as a Guide / Tips.

I tell you normally this year we will know the TOTAL NUMBER of gems in the game. To start really work the route of the SEGMENT speedrun together.

Or if I have already cut out images of gems / disks / power / obsidian / HUB DE MONSTRE which will be implanted on the cards that corresponds to his data.

I CAN TELL YOU THAT NORMALLY in 2020 the first 100% RUN could suddenly take place to start reviving the speedrun activity for this game.


Hi all 279 276 254 238 78 Here are the gems at this very moment when I still miss some stages of the game.

279 Sapirs 276 Emeralds 254 Ruby 238 Diamonds 78 Obsidians

Knowing that I miss 2 Obsidian in my course of 100% (Flame Tower Arena Earth Power need 3 at the feet of the Great Tree need Air Power 3 if I miss it 20 and according to my INTENSE research I missed NONE GEMES)

Here is a list of areas that I miss to do and that I never set foot (in collections I speak)

AIR 1 (Water Slides) AIR 2 (Air Tubes) AIR 3 (Great Tree) AIR 4 (Air Guardian's Lair) LIFE 1 DEATH 1 DEATH 2

P.S : I give myself NO GEMS and used NO OTHER BUGs.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Also be aware that the number of final gems may change. Because it depends on the lifetime of the console if the console is dying, it may be that some important items are not displayed. I had this with my first XBOX who had the RED LIGHT after slowing down, crashing or whatever the first 3 dimonds chain at the very beginning of the game before the oracle had disappeared., But I would post you in the GIT-HUB cards with totu the gems set with Photoshop.


Here is the list that I will normally have in comparison with the list of SillyGoose

390 Saphirs. 385 Emralds 380 Rubis 381 Diamonds

I miss



Before tackling the realm of death. I would do a big fat big tour to check the gems I might have missing. I would try to abused points EVERY PIXEL of the game to do I am organized.

I will do every kingdom every day


Once the kingdom of death acceded. before leaving in the highest point another recaptiulative of the kingdom of Death down for 1 whole DAY. if everything seems good to me

Also during 7 DAYS I would publish a post that I would then publish for CONFIRMED the 100% of the zone.

OK ONCE ALL OF THIS DONE once the boss FINAL beaten I would then tell you my TOTAL number of gems.

I would recommence a patient with my "personal gem record" in which I would make a plan similar to Sillygoose BY ZONES to check if my numbers prescribe corresponds to the research. You would then OR sought. Each card will have a descritpion with the total number of gems of that categories + the TOTAL number of Gem. and I would like each of you once the de facto card you to do the game to confirmed the numbers. (This year we will have the total number of GEMES in the game)

Know that each KINGDOM will have its own issues on GIT-HUB with its parts like TOWN. There will be high and low parts with branch parts for better understanding and detail. IF YOU VALIDATED all this. sent me a message on my DISCORD (an invitation to friend before) "ElsaArendelle # 2931"

That is all.


Good after 2 WHITE NIGHT and a EXTREMIST search. I can finally reveal the gems of the game. Go to the guide


I've been messing around with finding the gems in this game on and off over the year, and I think the final total is 1,542 (388S/386E/382R/386D). By level in SERD order: A1: 15/15/20/25 [75] A3: 15/15/20/25 [75] A5: 15/15/20/25 [75] A6: 15/15/20/25 [75] D1: 20/19/18/18 [75] [a] D2: 10/11/11/10 [42] [b] E2: 18/25/16/16 [75] E5: 17/25/16/17 [75] E6: 17/25/17/16 [75] E7: 18/25/16/16 [75] F1: 19/17/20/19 [75] F2: 18/18/20/19 [75] F3: 18/18/20/19 [75] F4: 19/17/20/19 [75] F6: 18/18/20/19 [75] LIFE: 18/19/19/19 [75] TOWN: 18/19/19/19 [75] W1: 25/18/17/15 [75] W2: 25/18/17/15 [75] W3: 25/17/18/15 [75] W4: 25/17/18/15 [75]

[a] This matches with the numbers in the current guide, but I'd like a third party check. Also, when I reloaded the save to double-check the gems, the three gems in the vats at the bottom of the level containing an emerald, ruby, and diamond (the fourth containing a half-dissolved catalisk) respawn with the map reloading (from the main menu, the debug menu, and even leaving the level and coming back manually through the D1 tower door). So this'll have to be a caveat to the run. I also checked if they stopped respawning if I made my gem count in the level 75 (D2 = 42, so 11 reloads and pickups of 3 gems = +33), and they still respawned at 78 total collected, so it's likely a bug.

[b] This one I haven't found all 75 gems, but I believe it's 75 like all levels apart from D2. I end up with 18/24/16/16 and I can't find emerald 25, but I think it's there because it matches Stephen's map and every other 75-gem level with gem counts over 20 are exactly, never an in between. The emeralds I found were: -The 3 right at the beginning of the level. [3] -The 2 leading up to the level 3 lightning barrier. [5] -The 2 at the tower bridge. [7] -The 1 halfway down the path wrapping around the tower. [8] -The 1 near the waterfall leading into the ice slide/sleeth area (by the ornate tunnel). [9] -The 3 in front of the "palace" with the fire power, and the 2 up high with the nearby obsidian. [14] -The 3 inside the fire power's "palace." [17] -The 3 in the underground part of the tower. [20] -The 3 on the conveyor belt in the grotto. [23] -The 1 next to the high-up key (at the pipe) in the grotto. [24] For the life of me, I can't find emerald 25 in E2 (I think I re-searched the level 5 times, including restarting from a fresh file). It's probably in some obvious place, as I'm bad with collectibles.

I've also been working on All Obsidians on-and-off, and I think the 100% route would be near-identical (outside performing D2 instead of the death realm skip). The overview of the route up to the E5 earth power, where the key difference is (I'm using debug level names to prevent confusion):

  1. W1 (start)
  2. W4 [AP1]
  3. W1->W2 [WD1/WP1]
  4. W1->TOWN->E2 [FP1] [c] 5) E5->F2 [AP2/LD1]
  5. F4 [FD1] [d] 7) F2->E5 [FD2/EP1] [c] It's possible to clip into the conveyor belt by the earth power and get to the obsidian by all the rockshard monsters. From there you can use the sloped wall to boost Azurik's flight up higher to climb up to the acid blocks by the fire disc, and then climb the rocks to get on top of the map and 5-roll into the F2 load trigger. For coming back in you spawn inside the un-drilled rock and can clip out of it. [d] This order uses Rueake's air 2 mountain climbing method, but in 100% you'd want to grab it before entering F2 & F4 so you don't have to revisit those levels for the gem rocks. What you do is get on the yellow crane and roll off of it as it spins and Azurik gets flung onto the earth power if timed correctly, and then you do the previously-mentioned OOB method. The earth power would therefore be at the start of step 5. I would presume this to save a few minutes in backtracking if done first try (either from E6 OOB a second time or entering E7 for the drill key and then going back to E7 again later with WP2 for the fire power).

I should also note I go back around the map because it's possible to escape the fire guardian's arena after killing him without his disc fragment being the last fire disc piece (slope jump up the ramp with full air 2 and roll-bounce off of the electric fence's corner post so you can fly over), and you can use air 2 to get OOB in F1 to break into F3. I believe it saves ~5mins in obsidians & 100%, but probably loses ~1min in Any%.

Tell me if I'm missing something/got something wrong.

Edited by the author 2 years ago